Level II - NM Training Book


TECHNOLOGIC AID (a) Electronic, computer or other technologic aid means any machine or device that: (1) Assists a player or the playing of a game; (2) Is not an electronic or electromechanical facsimile; and (3) Is operated in accordance with applicable Federal communications law. (b) Electronic, computer or other technologic aids include, but are not limited to, machines or devices that: (1) Broaden the participation levels in a common game; (2) Facilitate communication between and among gaming sites; or (3) Allow a player to play a game with or against other players rather than with or against a machine. (c) Examples of electronic, computer or other technologic aids include pull tab dispensers and/or readers, telephones, cables, televisions, screens, satellites, bingo blowers, electronic player stations, or electronic cards for participants in bingo games.” 25 C.F.R. § 502.7

ELECTROMECHANICAL FACSIMILE • An “electronic or electromechanical facsimile” is: [A] game played in an electronic or electromechanical format that replicates a game of chance by incorporating all of the characteristics of the game, except when, for bingo, lotto, and other games similar to bingo, the electronic or electromechanical format broadens participation by allowing multiple players to play with or against each other rather than with or against a machine.” 25 C.F.R. § 502.7


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