
Safety training

Enhanced First Aid Refresher Training / V5 2023-05-02


use advice of medical teleconsultation services


Learning objectives: 68) The participants can identify and assess the signs and symptoms of significant injuries (Knowledge, advanced) 69) The participants can perform the correct treatment for significant injuries (Skills, intermediate)


The instructor shall: Explain and demonstrate the recognitional chest injuries Demonstrate the treatment of chest injuries including chest seal

The participants shall: Engage in answering questions and share understandings of the recognition and treatment of chest injuries HEAD AND SPINAL INJURIES

The instructor shall: Explain and demonstrate the recognition of head injuries Explain and demonstrate the recognition of spinal injuries

Demonstrate the treatment of head injuries Demonstrate the treatment of spinal injuries

The participants shall: Engage in answering questions and share understandings of the recognition and treatment of head injuries Engage in answering questions and share understandings of the recognition and treatment of spinal injuries

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