Take a look at this month's edition of The Herrman Herald!
october 2020
www.herrmanandherrman.com • 844.567.6399 1201 3rd St., Corpus Christi, TX 78404 • 4121 N. 23rd St., McAllen, TX 78504 855 E. Harrison st., brownsville, tx 78520 • 8122 Datapoint Dr., Suite 816, San antonio, TX 78229
Your Vote Matters L e t Yo ur Vo i c e B e H e ard !
Election season is here. No matter whom you vote for, it’s important to cast your vote. It’s your way to make a difference in your community and your country. However, a lot of people feel discouraged to vote. They believe their vote “won’t matter.” It’s an understandable feeling, especially these days when it seems that everyone has strong opinions about the election. However, there is only one situation in which your voice is not heard. That is when you choose not to vote. In our last newsletter, we talked about the history of women’s right to vote, as well as how to register and the deadlines to request and submit an absentee ballot. As a reminder, the registration deadline was Oct. 5. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is Friday, Oct. 23. The deadline to return your absentee ballot is Wednesday, Nov. 4 at 5 p.m. Voting by mail and absentee voting have gotten a lot of attention in the news recently. Some people believe voting by mail (or absentee voting) leads to widespread fraud, while others believe it’s completely secure. What are the facts?
the same thing. In some states, you can request a ballot by mail, vote, and return it. It’s very straightforward. In other states, you have to provide an “excuse” or simple reason why you can’t go to the physical polling location on Election Day. Then, you can cast an absentee ballot. Texas is an “excuse” state. But are mail-in ballots secure? Early indication suggests that a majority of votes cast for this election will be through the mail. Research suggests that mail-in voting is more secure and reliable than casting a vote in person. One reason is correct addressing. In order to mail in your vote, you must use a current address. When people vote in person, it’s easier to use an outdated address. There are also many security measures in place. Voting officials can check your signature against your signature on record. They do this when they verify your address. If fraud is suspected, the voting office will try to contact the voter in order to get things straightened out. If a ballot is suspected to be fraudulent, law enforcement will be brought in to investigate.
Oct. 30. In order to cast your vote, you must be registered, and you need a photo ID. You can use any of the following:
* * * * * * *
Texas driver’s license
Texas election ID certificate
Texas personal ID card Texas handgun license
U.S. military ID (with photo)
U.S. citizenship certificate with photo
U.S. passport
All forms of ID should be current (or expired within the last four years). Those 70 and older can use any one of these forms of ID with any expiration date. If you do not have an ID, you must sign a sworn statement as to why you are unable to present an ID. You must have a valid reason. In this case, you still need a form of ID, such as:
* * * * * * *
Certified birth certificate
Valid voter registration certificate
Current utility bill Bank statement Pay stub or paycheck Government check
Government document with your name and address
First and foremost, voting by mail and absentee voting are basically
What about early voting? In Texas, voters can cast their ballots between Oct. 13 and
continued on page 3 ...
Nueces County 2020 General Election (elección general) EARLYVOTING LOCATIONS (Locaciones Votación Anticipada)
Oct . 13 – 16 8 a . m . – 5 p . m . Oct . 17 (Sat) ( Sábado ) 7 a . m . – 7 p . m . Oct . 19 – 23 8 a . m . – 5 p . m . Oct . 24 (Sat) ( Sábado ) 7 a . m . – 7 p . m . Oct . 26 – 30 7 a . m . – 7 p . m .
C ORPUS C HRISTI A RMY D EPOT —NAS (Building 8, Hallway in front of Subway) 308 Crecy St. Corpus Christi, TX 78419 C ORPUS C HRISTI C HRISTIAN F ELLOWSHIP (Fellowship Hall) 6602 S Staples St. Corpus Christi, TX 78413 D EAF AND H ARD OF H EARING C ENTER (Lobby) 5151 McArdle Rd. Corpus Christi, TX 78411 D EL M AR C OLLEGE (Heldenfels Administration Building) 101 Baldwin Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78404 F LOUR B LUFF ISD (Transportation/Maintenance Building) 2510 Waldron Rd. Corpus Christi, TX 78418 G RANT M IDDLE S CHOOL (Gymnasium) 4350 Aaron Dr. Corpus Christi, TX 78413 H ATTIE M ARTIN —R OBSTOWN ISD (Cafeteria) 701 N 1st St. Robstown, TX 78380 H ILLTOP C OMMUNITY C ENTER (South Wing #1, Back of Building) 11425 Leopard St. Corpus Christi, TX 78410 J OHNNY C ALDERON B UILDING (Auditorium) 710 E. Main St. Robstown, TX 78380
L ONDON ISD M IDDLE /H IGH S CHOOL (Library) 1306 FM 43 Corpus Christi, TX 78415 M AGEE E LEMENTARY - S TAR A NNEX (Building #3, Room C2 & C3) 4201 Calallen Dr. Corpus Christi, TX 78410 N EW L IFE C HURCH (at Sunrise Mall) 5801 McArdle Rd. Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Main EarlyVoting Location N UECES C OUNTY C OURT HOUSE 901 Leop ard St. Corpus Christi , TX 78401 Special Sunday Hours at this loca tion only October 18 & 25 12 – 5 p . m .
P ADRE I SLAND B APTIST C HURCH 14253 S. Padre Island Dr. Corpus Christi, TX 78418
P ORT A RANSAS C OMMUNITY C ENTER 408 N Alister St. Port Aransas, TX 78373
T EXAS A&M U NIVERSITY C ORPUS C HRISTI (O’Connor Building Room 135)
A DKINS M IDDLE S CHOOL 2402 Ennis Joslin Rd. Corpus Christi, TX 78414
6300 Ocean Dr. Corpus Christi, TX 78412 T ULOSO M IDWAY H IGH S CHOOL (Foyer) 2653 McKinzie Rd. Corpus Christi, TX 78410
A MERICAN B ANK C ENTER (Room C101) 1901 N Shoreline Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78401
B ANQUETE ISD (Boardroom) 4339 Fourth St. Banquete, TX 78339
T HE V ALENCIA 6110 Ayers St. Corpus Christi, TX 78415
V ETERANS M EMORIAL H IGH S CHOOL (Auditorium) 3750 Cimarron Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78414 W EST O SO ISD A DMINISTRATION A REA (R OOM #35) 5050 Rockford Dr. Corpus Christi, TX 78416
B EN F. M C D ONALD L IBRARY 4044 Greenwood Dr. Corpus Christi, TX 78416
B ISHOP M ULTIPURPOSE B UILDING 115 South Ash St. Bishop, TX 78343
Curbside votingwill be available at all locations. Call (361) 888-0303 Votación en la acera estará disponible en todas locaciones. Llame (361) 888-0303
Kara Sands Nueces County Clerk 901 Leopard Street Corpus Christi, Texas 78401 (361) 888-0865
For more information on the upcoming election visit: (Para mas información visite nuestra página web)
Like us on Facebook! @Office of the Nueces County Clerk
Follow us on Twitter @NuecesCo_Clerk
www.nuecesco.com/county-services/ county-clerk/elections-department
Ride-Share Security
6 Tips for a Safer Ride
Maintain space. If you’re riding alone, keep a good amount of space between you and the driver. Sit in the back to ensure a safe and easy exit when necessary. Let others know. The Uber app’s “Send Status” feature enables you to share trip details with friends or family who can keep track of your trip, if need be. This includes the vehicle’s location and license plate number and the driver’s name and photo. Trust your gut. If at any point in your journey you feel uncomfortable, end your ride. As an added safety measure, the app has an emergency button that connects you with 911. The app also provides users with real-time location information and trip details that can be given to the dispatcher. Be polite. Some riders get carried away and disregard the driver. Show respect to the driver, their vehicle, and any other passengers. This is part of Uber’s guidelines, and it ensures a peaceful ride. After you’ve gotten to your destination, rate and give feedback on the ride. Your feedback ensures that more measures are put in place to guarantee you a better experience the next time you or anyone else needs a ride.
Ride-share services like Uber make getting around even easier. These services strive to deliver comfortable and affordable rides whenever you need them. Though convenient, there are still safety issues to be aware of. Ride-share services like Uber have taken steps to keep riders safe, but they only extend so far. So you should take steps, as well. Book indoors. If possible, don’t wait for your ride out in the open. If you can’t wait indoors, try to find a safer place to stand than on the curb or sidewalk.
Check your driver. As a safety
measure, Uber allows you to access vehicle and driver information such as car model, license plate number, driver name,
pictures, and more. Make sure the info in the app matches what you see when
the driver pulls up. You can even ask the driver to confirm your name.
. . . continued from Cover
In the event you don’t have an ID and you don’t have a valid reason why you don’t have an ID — or you simply forgot your ID — you can cast a provisional ballot. If you cast a provisional ballot, you must take extra steps to ensure your ballot is counted: You must go to the voter registrar’s office within six days of the election. There, present any of the forms of photo ID found above to confirm your identity or sign an affidavit confirming you do not need ID in order to vote. If you decide not to cast your vote by mail or vote early, then be sure to visit your polling place on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Let your voice be heard! –Gregory Herrman
classic pumpkin soup
Pumpkins aren’t just for pie — they make delicious soup, too! This fall, try your hand at this healthy soup recipe and warm up with a bowl.
1. In a large saucepan over medium heat, sauté olive oil, shallots, and garlic for 2–3 minutes. 2. Add the remaining ingredients and bring to a simmer. 3. Transfer the soup to a blender and purée. Pour the blended soup back into the pan. 4. Cook over medium-low heat for 5–10
* * * *
1 tbsp olive oil 2 shallots, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced 2 1/4 cups pumpkin purée (homemade or canned) 2 cups vegetable broth
* *
1 cup canned light coconut milk 2 tbsp honey 1/4 tsp sea salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1/4 tsp cinnamon
* * * * *
minutes. Taste and add additional seasoning as desired, then serve!
1/4 tsp nutmeg
Inspired by MinimalistBaker.com
connect with us!
1201 3rd St. Corpus Christi, TX 78404
Inside This ISSUE
Let Your Voice Be Heard! Page 1
Nueces County Early Voting Information Page 2
Make Your Next Uber Ride Even Safer Classic Pumpkin Soup Page 3
Could a Llama Save Us From COVID-19? Page 4
Could a Llama Save Us From COVID-19? Meet Winter, a 4-Legged Hero of Vaccine Research
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, people have turned to their four-legged friends for help and comfort. In Nebraska, an 11-year-old girl and her pony, Peanut, cheered up nursing home residents through their windows this spring, while in Pennsylvania, an award-winning golden retriever named Jackson starred in videos that kept thousands laughing. Pets like these have given the national mood a boost, but another four-legged critter deserves just as much recognition. Her name is Winter, and she’s the 4-year-old llama whose antibodies could help us beat the coronavirus. At this point, you’re probably thinking, “Llamas? Really? What will these scientists think up next?” But in fact, Winter wasn’t an outside-of-the-box discovery during the COVID-19 vaccine scramble. Llamas have been helping scientists battle viruses for years. That’s because, along with her fuzzy brown coat and long eyelashes, Winter has a unique virus treatment hidden in her blood: llama antibodies.
off both infections. Llamas have also helped out with research for HIV and influenza. It turns out llama antibodies are smaller than the ones found in humans, which makes it easier for them to wiggle into the tiny pockets in virus-carrying proteins. This superpower gives them the ability to “neutralize” viruses, including COVID-19. Studies are now showing that using these llama antibodies in humans could potentially keep coronaviruses from entering human cells as well. At least two separate llama studies have shown the effectiveness of these antibodies on coronavirus infections. This summer, a team of researchers from the U.K. discovered that llama antibodies “have the potential to be used in a similar way to convalescent serum, effectively stopping progression of the virus in patients who are ill” when given to those patients in a transfusion. They also suggested that a cocktail of llama and human antibodies could be even more successful at temporarily blocking the virus.
Studies of the latter are in the works, and scientists around the world have their fingers crossed for success. In the meantime, Winter will continue peacefully grazing in Belgium, unaware that she just might play a role in saving the world.
According to The New York Times, Winter has participated in past studies for both SARS and MERS — diseases also caused by coronaviruses — and her antibodies fought
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