Real Estate Journal — Green Buildings — December 24 - January 14, 2016 — 27A
M id A tlantic
G reen B uildings Informs owners, developers about available tools to significantly reduce energy use JLL’s Robbins Schneider Touts reducing energy use in commercial buildings
40% at the historic building. Robbins Schneider and the project partners created tools that could be replicated to im- plement similar energy retrofit programs in a cost-effective manner at any building. “The retrofitting project for the Empire State Building was designed to lessen its im- pact on the environment and, more importantly, to provide an example for developers and governments around the world that sustainability is economi- cally feasible,” said Robbins Schneider. “In major cities like New York, commercial and residential buildings account
for more than 75 percent of total energy use.” The Empire State Building consumes as much energy as 40,000 single family homes in a single day. The energy retrofit currently saves the building $4.4 million annually in energy costs, and reduces 105,000 tons of greenhouse gas emis- sions over the next 13 years — equivalent to removing 25,000 cars from the road. In addition, JLL and the project partners retrofitted 6,514 windows in the building, reducing sum- mer heat load and winter heat loss, and retrofitted HVAC systems to optimize the exist-
ing building control system. The retrofits also helped to stimulate the local economy while creating more than 250 local and regional jobs during the course of the retrofits, from manufacturing to construction and engineering. “80% of the buildings that exist in New York today will still be here in 2050, and in- vesting capital to increase efficiency is one of the best re- turns on investment an owner can achieve,” said Robbins Schneider. “Retrofitting exist- ing buildings is also the best way for a city to become en- vironmentally sustainable.” n
tation she gave at the Future Facilities Summit. The issue was also the focus of the tours of the Empire State Building that she led for attendees of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat’s 2015 In- ternational Conference, held from Oct. 26th to Oct. 30th at the New York Grand Hyatt in Manhattan. Robbins Schneider high- lighted her work at the Empire State Building, where she oversaw an intensive eight- month initiative to design a sustainability program for the property. The effort achieved energy cost savings of nearly
EW YORK, NY — Reducing the amount of energy that com-
m e r c i a l buildings use is the single most crucial task facing the real es- tate industry, according to Dana Rob- bins Schnei-
Dana Schneider
der , managing director, with JLL ’s Energy and Sustain- ability Services group. Robbins Schneider has been a featured speaker at numerous recent industry events, educating owners and developers on tools that are now available to significantly reduce energy use and associated costs at any building. Robbins Schneider covered this topic in a keynote presen- MGKF Partners Kaplan and Schil- ler speak at PA Bar Institute Philadelphia, PA — Manko, Gold, Katcher & Fox partners Jill Hyman Ka- plan and Su- zanne Ilene S c h i l l e r presented at the Pennsyl- v a n i a Ba r I ns t i t u t e ’ s 19th Annual Real Estate Institute at the Pennsyl- vania Con- vention Cen- ter. Kaplan and Schiller t eamed up t o d i s c u s s “ P r a c t i c e Pointers for Negotiating and Drafting Environmental Access Agree- ments.” In this session, the panelists reviewed both common and uncommon provisions in these agreements, whether in the context of the purchase of real property or investigation and remediation of contaminated land, and discussed best prac- tices to avoid future disputes. Properly drafted Access Agree- ments are vital to protecting the interests and needs of both the party granting access and the one conducting the investi- gation or remediation. n Jill Hyman Kaplan Suzanne Ilene Schiller
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