
4A — December 24 - January 14, 2016 — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


February 5, 2016 Hilton Philadelphia City Hotel 8am - 12pm

A Few oF our speAkers, sponsors & orgAnizAtions philAdelphiA MultiFAMily suMMit

SpeakerS ChuCk hurChalla, evolution energy partnerS

riCk Wolf, greyStone & Company timothy touhey, inveStorS Bank program agenDa:

7:55 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:55 AM

| Welcome & Introduction

| 2016 Philadelphia Apartment Market Overview: State of The Industry | Capital’s Comeback: The Evolution Of Apartment Financing

| Break 10:05 A | What’s the Future of Apartment Investments in Philadelphia 11:00 AM | Building a Successful Project From Start To Finish

linda Christman, publisher/Ceo | mid atlantic real estate Journal 312 market St | rockland, ma 02370 781-871-5298 | 800-584-1062 lchristman@marejournal.com | www.marejournal.com

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