Winter Newsletter 2020 - 2021 (Interactive)

What is on the EDGE Feed?

Missed a Live Zoom Workshop? Watch the recording! Many of our live Employer spotlights nec- essarily happen in the afternoon. For after- noon students that can’t make the live, we post a YouTube video recording of the entire session. Watch when it is convenient for you! Relevant Articles Our team is always on the lookout for rel- evant information for our student body. You are sure to find something that will benefit you in your journey through medical school as you scroll through the Sumner Edge Community feed. Upcoming Events and Contests If you want to be in touch with campus events, opportunities, and scholarships, Sumner Home Feed is the place to be! Tips and Hacks What you could learn in just a few minutes of browsing on the main Feed of Sumner Edge could save you hours of time surfing the internet, because we’ve done it for you! Maximize your time by logging in and enjoy- ing the helpful tid-bits that Student Services has gathered for you.


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