20. TrooRa The Inclusivity Issue Autumn 2023

LAUNCHING THE TOUCH TAGS™ One can simply apply the Touch Tags™ to the products they use daily, and voila! Your product is now easy to identify, even when you are in the shower with your eyes closed or without your prescription contacts! Victoria designed them to be water resistant. Each kit features a raised QR code directing to audible instructions and how-to-use and symbol descriptions. The Touch Tags™ are set to launch in the Summer/Fall of this year, available in Home Care, Skin Care, and Self- Care categories. Can the CyR.U.S. system be used beyond product packaging? Yes! It can be used in kiosks and brick and mortar stores. This will empower low-vision shoppers to have an independent shopping experience. It will ease product category navigation and cut the need to read the fine print on most product packaging.

CYR.U.S. EXPLORING ITS FULL POTENTIAL The system is ready. Next step? Getting brands to adopt it. “My mission is to establish CyR.U.S. as the Universal Tactile by 2025 and plan to expand CyR.U.S. across all CPG categories,” Victoria commented. The brands and large Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies absolutely loved the concept. However, Victoria comments, “Currently, the technology required to efficiently and cost-effectively implement CyR.U.S. on products doesn’t exist. That’s when I realized I could make symbol labels (tags) directly available to those who need them.” Victoria found Scodix, a method of digital printing that imitates Braille’s “raised” characteristic. She knew that this technology would be perfect for the tags she envisioned creating. This idea evolved into Touch Tags™ by CyR.U.S.

“CONNECTING THE SIGHTED AND UNSIGHTED” When the low-vision community was introduced to CyR.U.S., Victoria emphasized how overwhelming and heartfelt the reaction was from them. “The simple fact of the low vision community finally being seen and given the equal opportunity to use and enjoy products just like everyone else will connect the unsighted and sighted worlds so that accessibility is barrier-free for all, and to create a more inclusive world.” -Victoria Watts. When asked about important advice to share with brands, Victoria tells us, “There’s a saying in the disabled community ‘Nothing for us without us.’ My best advice for a brand and/or company that wants to make its products and service more inclusive to individuals with disabilities is to bring them into the conversation and design process. Otherwise, their efforts will most likely miss the mark.”




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