20. TrooRa The Inclusivity Issue Autumn 2023

I n a world that often values conventional beauty disabled Latinx model, is changing the game by challenging societal norms and redefining inclusivity. Her journey is deeply rooted in the need for representation and the desire to be seen and acknowledged, while her story is a testament to the power of visibility, inspiring individuals with disabilities worldwide to embrace their

“Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been in a wheelchair. If I’m nervous, excited, or any emotion, my muscles get tighter, and it gets a little difficult for me to do things,” she disclosed in a past interview with Glamour magazine.

standards, disabled individuals are frequently overlooked in the fashion industry. However, Jillian Mercado, a

Despite the challenges she faces due to her disability, Mercado has fearlessly shattered the stereotypes associated with both disability and the modeling industry. Driven by the stark absence of representation for disabled individuals in the industry, Mercado refused to accept the status quo. Mercado

I was still struggling with the idea of having ‘model’ and ‘disability’ in the same sentence”

“I was still struggling with the idea of having ‘model’ and ‘disability’ in the same sentence,” she revealed in her interview with Ray Zhang The fashion industry has often been criticized for its narrow representation of beauty, overlooking individuals with disabilities. Although she was told she would have to work ten times harder than anyone else, she used those words to fuel her path to achieving her modeling dreams. Beyond the fashion industry, Mercado has also encountered challenges in terms of accessibility and inclusivity. Public spaces, transportation, and even societal attitudes often lack the necessary accommodations for people with disabilities. This lack of inclusivity further compounds the daily difficulties Mercado must navigate. After years of persistently challenging antiquated fashion norms, she started to capture the attention of big brands. The cherry on top was when she connected with a fashion blogger who recognized her potential and introduced her to the renowned agency IMG Models. This partnership paved the way for Mercado’s remarkable career, leading to her participation in major campaigns and runway shows that reshaped the industry’s perception of beauty and inclusivity. Soon, she was booking campaigns with Target, Nordstrom, Diesel, and Beyoncé’s ‘Formation’ fashion line. In a powerful convergence, Jillian Mercado had the opportunity to collaborate with Beyoncé in a groundbreaking campaign. As part of the artist’s Ivy Park collection, Mercado joined forces with Beyoncé to showcase the collection’s message of inclusivity and empowerment. The campaign not only featured a diverse range of models but also celebrated Mercado’s disability, highlighting the beauty and strength that comes with embracing one’s unique abilities.

identities and pursue their dreams. Born and raised in New York City

encountered skepticism and rejection from a young age, as many doubted her ability to pursue a career in an industry known for its narrow beauty standards.

by Dominican parents, Mercado embraces a rich blend of these cultures that define her unique identity. When she was thirteen, she was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, a genetic disorder that weakens the body’s muscles over time.

I always say that having a disability is like a superpower; it’s something that people will never understand, but it’s so magical. I appreciate the world and my life more than the average person does.”



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