Faculty post-tenure review, effective September 16, 2023 Name, Department, Rank 1. Andonie, Razvan, Computer Science, Professor 2. Bartlett, Gary, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Professor 3. Bayazit, Ozden, Finance and Supply Chain Management, Professor
4. Bisgard, James, Mathematics, Professor 5. Boersma, Stuart, Mathematics, Professor 6. Bonner, Julie, Information Technology and Administrative Management, Associate Professor 7. Brown, Elizabeth, Library, Associate Professor 8. Cheney, Eric, Sociology, Professor 9. Claridge, Amy, Family and Consumer Sciences, Associate Professor 10. Coe, Cynthia, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Professor 11. Dippmann, Jeffrey, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Professor 12. Easley, Roxanne, History, Professor 13. Ernest, Kristina, Biological Sciences, Professor 14. Garcia, Gilberto, Political Science, Associate Professor 15. Gary, Dia, Education, Development, Teaching and Learning, Associate Professor 16. Ghosh, Koushik, Economics, Professor 17. Goodenberger, Mark, Music, Professor 18. Graber-Pigeon, Nancy, Management, Associate Professor 19. Hackenberger, Steven, Anthropology, Professor 20. Hughes, Craig, Education, Development, Teaching and Learning, Professor 21. Irwin, Jason, Biological Sciences, Professor 22. Johnson, Michael, World Languages, Associate Professor 23. Jones, Kim, Curriculum, Supervision, Education and Leadership, Professor 24. Kirk, Rachel, Art and Design, Associate Professor 25. Klyve, Dominic, Mathematics, Professor 26. Lewis, Keith, Art and Design, Professor 27. Liao, Kun, Finance and Supply Chain Management, Professor 28. Linhart, Jean Marie, Mathematics, Associate Professor 29. MacInnes, Breanyn, Geological Sciences, Associate Professor 30. Marrs, Heath, Psychology, Professor 31. Michel, John, Music, Professor 32. Piacsek, Andrew, Physics, Associate Professor 33. Polage, Danielle, Psychology, Associate Professor 34. Pritchett, Kelly, Exercise Science, Associate Professor 35. Pritchett, Robert, Exercise Science, Associate Professor 36. Quitadamo, Ian, Biological Sciences, Professor 37. Reynolds, Kate, Education, Development, Teaching and Learning, Professor 38. Rivera, Dion, Chemistry, Professor 39. Robison, Stephen, Art and Design, Associate Professor 40. Smith, Carlo, Finance and Supply Chain Management, Associate Professor 41. Stendell-Hollis, Nicole, Nutrition, Associate Professor 42. Tester, Griff, Sociology, Associate Professor 43. Vuong, Lily, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Associate Professor 44. Walker, Sharryn, Education, Development, Teaching and Learning, Professor 45. Wassell, Charles, Economics, Professor 46. Weber, Todd, Management, Associate Professor
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