Pearland Fire Department Annual Report


The Pearland Fire Department Honor Guard was established in February 2015 upon the tragic passing of EMS Captain Angie Hayes. A group of willing department members came together to honor Captain Hayes and graciously accepted the help of our brothers and sisters from the Pearland PD Honor Guard. The PFD Honor Guard was inactive until the passing of FMO Battalion Chief Gregory Bozdech in September 2018. Once again, a group of willing PFD members came together to provide Chief Bozdech with the honor he and his family deserved. Formalized development of the Honor Guard was inhibited when COVID-19 struck. Now that the pandemic shutdown has passed, the team is once again participating in trainings, local events, and gathering new members from the ranks of PFD. The support and guidance from the new fire administration have been monumental in pushing the team forward and ensuring that the PFD Honor Guard will be successful for many years to come. In partnership with our brothers and sisters in blue, PFD and PPD partnered to host our first annual 9-11 Remembrance Event. This event was attended by many from within and around our community and paid respect to those tragically lost to cowardly acts on September 11, 2001. We are proud that this new Pearland tradition will live on in our community. We look forward to annually hosting this event and reminding everyone to “Never Forget 9-11”. 9-11 Remembrance

21 Pearland Fire Department - Annual Report

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