Pearland Fire Department Annual Report


The Pearland PEER Support Team known at the PST was founded by members of this department in 2017 with the support of Fire Administration. A unified vote of operational field Staff determined who the suggested members of the Team should be. History of our PEER Team

Peer Support Chairman spent over 110 hours interviewing members, creating policies and documents, and coordinating peer support activities/trainings. Peer Support Council spent 50 hours creating policies and documents, and coordinating peer support activities/trainings Peer Support Team provided 176 hours of peer support to members of the Pearland Fire Department. Interviewed and vetted ALL Peer Support members through a fair and structured interview process. Year in Review


PFD Peer Support was invited to attend TFCA Admin Professionals Conference to showcase the current unique model for peer support. Expanded to 18 members and assembled a voting body council of 3 members. Delivered two separate mental health trainings to the operations membership. Certified all team members in ICISF "Assisting Individuals in Crisis"

22 Pearland Fire Department - Annual Report

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