Pearland Fire Department Annual Report


We are blessed to live and work in a supportive community that embraces growth, diversity, and a willingness to be a community that sets a positive example for other communities to emulate. That mindset is no different within the Pearland Fire Department (PFD). Our professional organization is passionate about working together to constantly raise the bar in the fire service and become the model other agencies choose to follow. Setting a tone of success at all levels is what we are about at PFD and this drive fits well into the direction of our city leadership. We are fortunate to have elected officials and city management team who have a passion for public safety and provide solid direction, support, and leadership to our organization. Innovation sets us apart and we are constantly working with our City of Pearland (CoP) partners to identify ways technology can make our community safer while further reducing emergency response times.

One example is the forward-thinking of our city council to approve the implementation of a GPS-based routing system that will coordinate responding fire apparatus with 110 traffic lights within our community. This implementation is ongoing and will provide reduced response times, especially during time frames when high traffic congestion is encountered. This traffic flow system will make responding PFD crews and all drivers encountered safer during our over 14,000 emergency responses. In 2022, PFD led the way in helping the CoP achieve an Insurance Services Office (ISO) public protection classification of 1. The ISO-1 rating represents a superior level of emergency response and resources dedicated to fire protection. This rating is re-evaluated every 5 years to ensure PFD response coverage and resources continue to meet the growing demands of our vibrant community. Also, in 2022 Old Firehouse #4 was replaced by a new facility that meets the needs of a growing, professional fire department that responds 24/7/365. This state-of-the-art facility will serve our community well for many years to come. Personally, I am honored to have been named as your fire chief in May of 2022. Our organization has achieved a tremendous number of successes in a very short period. This success was achieved entirely because of the great men and women within the PFD family. We are an all-hazards organization that possesses a winner’s mindset and drive to provide exceptional services to our community. We strive to be the organization that other agencies want to emulate and that is already occurring due to the hard work of our team. I have been amazed at the passion and talent within our organization who collectively share this simple philosophy, “KNOW your job, DO your job, and HAVE FUN at your job”. #PardonOurDust

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