2021 Tech Expo Deal Book - Dealer

2021 Trade Show Supplier Specials AGS 20% discount on any order placed (Deal ID: DAG1) ATP Transmission Parts and Chemicals

10% discount on any order placed (Deal ID: DTP1) BBB Industries (Genco / Perfect Stop) Genco EPAS Rack & Pinions: Receive a $25 gift card for every Genco EPAS Rack & Pin- ion purchased from February 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021 (Deal ID: DGE1) Genco Power Steering: Receive a $50 gift card for every Genco NEW ADVANTAGE Rack & Pinion (new manufacture not reman) purchased from February 11, 2021 through May 31, 2021 (Deal ID: DGE2) Sweetheart Deal: BBB offers you an additional 10% rebate on all purchase increases comparing March, April and May 2021 purchases with the same time period in 2020. These purchases will be tracked by your TSM’s or servicing store manager. Purchas- es are net of core. In order to qualify for this special Sweetheart Deal you must visit the BBB during the Tech Expo and sign up. Every sign up will receive an entry into our Sweetheart drawing where you can win special prizes valued up to $1000. Remember you must sign up at our booth during the Tech Expo to be eligible for the Sweetheart Deal. Blue Devil - All Products 10% discount on any order placed (DBD1) Bosch / Perfect View Perfect View Wipers: 10% off of any 50 piece Perfect View Wiper Blade Order (Deal ID: DBH1). Perfect View Changeover incentive is free rack and 10% free goods with any changeover. 1:1 same style. 2:1 conventional to beam (Deal ID: DBH2) Engine Management (including Coils, O2’s, Fuel Pumps, RE): $25 gift card for every $250 worth of purchases from February 11 through May 31. Limited to 4 gift cards per location (Deal ID: DBH3) Sweetheart Deal: Bosch offers you an additional 10% rebate on all purchase increases comparing March, April and May 2021 purchases with the same time period in 2020.

Trade Show Deals


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