2022 System Operator Conference #3

Learning Objectives

1. State the primary responsibilities of System Operator to ensurereliability. 2. Relate the impacts to power system operations to recent changes in the Industry. 3. Explain how the new Southeast Energy ExchangeMarket (SEEM) platform will facilitate sub-hourly bilateral trading 4. Identify how the SEEM platform utilizes available unreserved transmission

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of theBulk 5. Identify how the SEEM platform will affect the Bulk Electric System and the System Operator 6. Identify the most significant challenges faced by California operators during each season 7. Identify the primary tools used to monitor and mitigateoperational challenges 8. Identify the strategies used to overcome operational challenges 9.Identify the association of NERC Reliability Standards BAL-001-2, BAL-002-3, BAL-003-2, BAL-005-1, COM-001-3, and COM-002-4 to the operations Electric System 10. Identify the associationof NERC Reliability Standards EOP-004-4, EOP-005-3, EOP-006-3, EOP-008-2, EOP-010-1, and EOP-011-1 to the operations of the Bulk Electric System 11 .Identify the association of NERC Reliability Standards TOP-001-5, TOP-002-4, TOP-003-4,and VAR-001-5 to the operations of the Bulk Electric System 12. Explain the role outage planning plays in ensuringthe reliability of the Bulk Electric System 13. Describethetools usedto determinethe validity of anoutageschedule 14. Describe the actions required to coordinate outages with other entities and industrial customers 15. Describe and comparethe differencesof outage planning methodologies during winter, summerand outage seasons 16. Describe the impact of severe weather events on outage planning and discuss actions that are takento recover 17. Assess and analyze simulated emergency scenarios 18. Implement operator control actions to mitigate undesirable conditions on the simulated power system and return the power system to a reliable state 19. Apply NERC Reliability Standards to RC/TOP/BA responsibilities for each scenario 20. Identify how the operator during the Oldsmar Water Treatmentincident identified the threat to their facility and respond to mitigate the attack 21. Identify the security risks to control centers posed by extremephysical events - bombthreats and IEDs 22. Identifyprominentphysical and cyber securityrisks to the ERO as reportedto the E-ISAC 23. Describe the impactsto the MISO South Region causedby Hurricane Ida 24. Identify how EOP-011 applies to events like Hurricane impactsto the Bulk Electric System 25. Identify the importanceof RC to RC coordination during Hurricane events per NERC Standard IRO-014-3 26. Explain what the IDC is andwhat it does 27. Describe the need for the IDC in operating the power system 28. Identifywho theIDC is usedby 29. Describe Parallel Flow Visualization and how it changes the IDC

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