King's Business - 1961-11

SAVE $1.00 w for teen-agers and young people! MM J


IN PLAIN ENGLISH FOR TODAY'S READERS by Dr. Olaf M . Norlie, St. Olaf College W ith a New Translation of the Psalms in Current English by Dr. R . K . Harrison, Wycliffe College One of the most refreshing and enlightening render­ ings ever released. Makes the language of the New Testament more interesting and intelligible. Out­ standing for readability, clarity and simplicity. Norlie's SIMPLIFIED NEW TESTAMENT will be especially helpful to teen-agers young people, and young adults for whom it will “make the rough places plain” . I ZONDERVAN PUBLISH ING HOUSE GRAND RAPIDS 6, MICHIGAN

There is a deep desire in my heart to witness for Christ to un­ saved souls, but, more than that, I have an ever-present, earnest desire that the unsaved see Christ in me. It has been well for me to re­ member, when speaking to oth­ ers, that I am a dying man speak­ ing to dying souls. We are not qualified to give orders until we are capable of receiving orders. It is easier to dictate a policy and act upon the enforcement of rules and regulations than it is to abide by such a policy and carry out the rules and regula­ tions. Beautiful is the activity which works for good, and beautiful is the stillness which waits for good. There are seasons in our lives when to be still demands much more grace, faith, and thought than to be active. Unity of interest, a spirit of co-operation, and the practice of the exhortation of Christ that “ whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them” (Matthew 7:12) would, to a great extent, remove human friction in the administration of any business, or church, or mis­ sionary undertaking. No man, of any position, in any enterprise or organization, can be regarded as infallible in counsel or decision (Proverbs 11:14). Board and committee meetings are blessed with unity and coun­ sel from God when the individ­ ual member thinks seriously, says little, waits patiently, is thought­ ful of others, and prays earnestly. A certain man in public ad­ ministration was asked: “How has it been possible for you to hold your position for more than twenty years?” His answer was: “I have been thankful to those who delegated me to occupy my position, and I have taken care of my correspondence.”

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The Oevil9s Greatest Counterfeit: THE ROM AN CATHOL IC CHURCH by Liza Kane

Every American who has been seriously concerned about the Church- State issue in the recent election should read this eye-opening book. Liza Kane minces no words in exposing the greatest threat to the liberty of the world’s Protestants and Jews, of Americans and all who love freedom. Fact after fact, marshaled in these pages, indicts the Roman Catholic Church for what it really is. Read how Liza, an ex-Roman Catholic and her ex-Orthodox Jewish hus­ band accepted Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour. $2.50 postpaid GREENWICH BOOK PUBLISHERS, Inc. 489 Fifth Avenue • New York 17, New York



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