King's Business - 1961-11

for yoj Supreme Spetaeula ^




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"GOD’S DESIGN FOR THE AGE" Church of the Open Door Choir and Symphonette, Ted Nichols, Dir. "The music production featured in this al­ bum, originally presented in a special pro­ gram at the Church of The Open Door, is in my opinion an outstanding production, and one of the best that I have heard . . says Dr. McGee. Titles include: I Have Christ In My Heart • My Faith Looks Up To Thee • On A Rugged Hill • Overshadowed • There's No Disappointment In Jesus • Submission, 6 others. MONO-HIFI #SM1009, $3.98 STEREO #SS2009, $4.98 A Supreme experience in sound, this outstanding album brings to you a “first” in recorded reli­ gious music. It will thrill your soul and heart. Includes •0 God Our Help •Holy, Holy, Holy • God the Omnipotent •Toccata and Fugue in D Minor •Lead Kindly Light and 4 more. M0N0-H IFI #SM 1004, $3.98 STEREO #SS 2004, $4.98 ED LYM AN , THE GOLDEN VO ICE OF SACRED SON G Paul Mickelson Orchestra and Choir. A Supreme recording of a dramatic, operatic tenor. Also known as the singing Marine. You’ll enjoy selections such as— Christ is All •There Is No Greater Love - Lonely Road •0 What a Day •So Great Salvation - Linger a Moment •6 others MONO-HIFI #SM1005, $3.98’ STEREO #SS2005, $4.98

D A Y IS D YIN G IN THE W EST by Paul Mickelson at the NBC pipe organ This album presents the organist of the Billy Graham Crusades for 7 years in some of the best loved hymns and classics for the close of the day. Mickelson and the NBC organ merge to bring you meditative and nostalgic music. Includes • Over the Sunset Mountains • The Lights of Home •Good Night and Good Morning •Just a Song at Twilight •Moonlight Sonata • Title song and 5 others. M0N0-HIFI #CM so o t, $3.98 STEREO #CS 6001, $4.98 Backed by Paul Mickelson Orchestra and Choir, this well-known pastor, singer and world traveler of Charlotte, N. C. sings with spiritual depth. Includes 1 When I Met Jesus • Moment by Moment •Count Your Blessings •I Won’t Have to Cross Jordan Alone •The Hem of His Garment •Title song and 6 more. MONO-HIFI #SM 1001,$3.98 STEREO #SS2001,$4.98 For that big choir sound of meticulously trained and exactingly directed voices this album is a must. Heard regularly in Britain on the B.B.C. This Supreme label“first” includesHThine Be the Glory •Praise Ye the Father -To God Be All the Glory •Blessed Assurance •Title song, 7 others. MONO-HIFI #SM 1002, $3.98 STEREO #SS 2002, $4.98 I’VE DISCOVERED THE W A Y duets by Helene Landrum & Joseph Bellesi What joy comes to the heart as you listen to the songs of the “find" of all times. Two Christian stars of opera and stage will lift you to new heights. Accompanied by Paul Mickelson's Orchestra and Choir, this album Includes •How Beautiful Upon the Mountains * Make Me a Blessing •There’s a Wonderful Tomorrow • 0 That Will Be Glory for Me •Title song, 6 more. M0N0-HIFI #SM 1003, $3.98 STEREO #SS 2003, $4.98 ROOM AT THE CRO SS by Al Garr, the singing tenor sta r: N OW THANK W E ALL OUR GOD by the 50-Voice London Crusader Choir

Symphonic LONDON SYM PHON IC BAND & MALE CHORUS Conducted by Paul Mickelson

SAVE $3.— USE THIS ORDER FORM TODAY! SEND TO: B I O L A B O O K R O O M 560 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Find enclosed, check, cash or money order, for the albums indicated below. (Please order by number.) (Monaural) (Stereo) Supreme Spectauclar at Supreme Spectacular at Special Price ............. 98c Special Price ................$1.98 (Your Choice) Postage & Shipping .. .35^ Postage & Shipping .. .35^ $5.31 $7.31 Name ................................................................................................................. Address ..............................-............................................................................. (For Gifts, list names and addresses on separate sheet.) # .$3.98 # 4.98 (Your Choice)

‘ Stereo prices $1.00 more than Monaural.



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