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G I F T S T H E Y ’ L L L I K E Herald Press books suggested for the benefit, blessing and service to readers. You and your friends will find real meat, wholesome amuse ment, education and inspiration in this list of gift suggestions. For Sound Fiction By Evelyn Bauer THROUGH SUNLIGHT AND SHADOW By Alta Mae Erb CHRISTIAN NURTURE OF CHILDREN
n i C R I T I Q U E iuechert T n t h e J u l y 3, 1961 issue of News week, under the Religion section, there appeared the following item, which, with the kind permission of Newsweek, we quote in full: “ Some 70,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses, most of them toting Bibles, gathered in New York last week for meetings at the Yankee Stadium and ‘field serv ice’ — ringing doorbells and proselyt ing. In an article timed to meet this onslaught, the Jesuit weekly America warned its Roman Catholic readers that since the Witnesses generally ‘know more about the Bible than most Catholics . . . it would be well to advise unprepared Catholics to avoid them, for they will accomplish little and may endanger their own faith.’ “ Apprised of the warning, the chief of the Witnesses, Nathan H. Knorr of Brooklyn, had this reply: ‘If the Cath olics had the truth . . . and witnessed to it, they would be able to convert the world in two or three years.’ Mrs. Mary Schmidt, a Witness — and former Catholic — from Florida, heartily agreed. ‘We know they haven’t the truth,’ she said, ‘The Bible shows us they’re way off.’ ” This piece would be humorous if it were not so tragic. What an ad mission on the part of the great poli- tico-religio system of the Roman Cath olic Church, which boasts of its being “ the first church” (although it is not), that the followers of an off-beat cult like Jehovah Witnesses would “ know more about the Bible” than their members! It is true enough that even their own translations of the Scriptures. This is not to be wondered at since the official stand of Roman Catholicism is that the Bible is not their primary authority, but that tradition is! If they knew and be lieved the Bible, they could not ac cept such heresies as Mariolatry, in fallibility of the Pope, purgatory, in dulgences, power of the priesthood to remit sins, etc. On the other hand, for all their display of Bibles, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not “ know the Bible” , either, for if they did, they would not embrace such deadly doctrines as rejection of the deity of Christ and the Trinity, annihilation of the wicked, soul-sleep, no-heaven, no-hell, etc., which are part and parcel of their Russellite- Rutherford heritage.
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The above categories are but suggestive. Many titles have a strong appeal to other groups than those indicated. O rd er at y o u r b o o k sto r e o r D ep t. K B
Scottdalc, Pennsylvania
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