The Editor’s strong stand for fundamen talism is refreshing in these days of apos tasy. Rev. E. B. Jones, Minneapolis, Minn. LIKES OBJECT LESSONS I like THE KING’S BUSINESS very much, but I do miss the object lessons. W e used them with our young folks on Sunday evening. Could we have more? Mrs. Elmer Strode, Sitkum, Oregon E d it o r ’ s N o t e : We will endeavor to have Object Lessons from time to time in the future. CULTS MATERIAL APPRECIATED I have been enjoying all of your articles, however, I have been especially interested in the ones on Cults. The material on the Christadelphians was especially helpful. Mrs. A. P. Hammond, Roanoke, Virginia LIKES OTHER COVERS Please tell the people who publish THE KING’S BUSINESS to put pictures of churches on the cover of the magazine, not children. Beautiful churches with steeples look nicer. Edna Anderson, McFarland, Calif. FREE FUND MINISTERS ABROAD Thank you for sending me THE KING’S BUSINESS. Every part of it is full of soul-searching messages that help me greatly in my ministry. Your material is truly evangelical in spirit and Biblical ly sound. Rev. Lamberto Vano, Tanjay, Philippines Through gifts of readers to our “Free Fund” we are able to send gift subscriptions of the magazine to native workers and others who are not able to subscribe. All gifts for this purpose are of course tax deductible. We count it a great privilege to have your magazine come regularly to our church library. The staff members of our library as well as our patrons greatly ap preciate your fine publication for its spir itual blessings. Lois Cornwell, Central Baptist Church, Sacramento, Calif. GENERAL COMMENTS The new issue of THE KING’S BUSI NESS has just arrived and once again I must thank you for a thoroughly useful and challenging publication. It seems that every page carries pertinent information and courageous articles which defend the faith. I make mention of some of your material on a weekly radio program which our church sponsors. May God encourage and help you to carry on the good and vitally-needed ministry of the printed page. Your staunch stand for the funda mentals of the faith is a “ shot-in-the-arm” to others like myself who often feel like voices crying in the wilderness. Rev. Alton F. Olsen, Grace Reformed Episcopal Church, Scranton, Pennsylvania NOVEMBER, 1961 E d it o r ’ s N o t e : MAGAZINES BECOME PART OF CHURCH LIBRARY
PENNIES A DAY DOES IT! Act NOW Before Korea's Winter Starts
Bring Christian loving care to a boy or girl of your choice in our Orphanages. Only $8 a month—just 26 pennies a day— provides every necessity including school tuition, not free in Korea. Interest a co-sponsor, $4 each, or your Sunday School or other group.
You will get Orphanage picture and history, also life story, picture and address of the orphan you select. You can write or send parcels as you wish. Replies are prompt, in English. Sponsors are THRILLED with this personal contact. Many new sponsors are desperately needed to take in desolate children wandering the streets. Victims of Tragedy and Grief No. T -l above in An Kwang Hi. His father, a peddler, was killed in a traffic accident. His mother was so shocked she died in childbirth, the baby also. He was cared for by a pastor, who brought him to our Seaside Orphanage, where he has two brothers and a sister. No. T-2 is Kim Duk Soon. Her father, a Buddhist Monk, died when she was two years old in 1939. Her mother, having no means of support for her five children, wandered and begged until September, 1960 when Rev. Hwang of our Canaan Widows Home took her in with her family. No. T-3 is Bak Hui Choong. His father was crushed to death in a mine disaster. His mother, unable to care for him, later abandoned the boy and disappeared. He begged his bread and slept in doorways until he was brought to our Eternal Light Orphanage. Each day our children are taught the Bible, sing Christian songs and earnestly pray. They attend church and Sunday School and are led to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. Grasp this great opportunity to help train a child for Chris tian leadership in Korea.
THE EVERETT SW A N S O N EVANGELISTIC A S S 'N . INC. 4 8 4 8 N orth Leonard Drive Dept. K -l 1 C h ica g o 3 1 , III. r -------- —------------- CLIP AND MAIL TODA Y---------------- ;— ----- , □ YES I want to sponsor an orphan for one year. My choice is Number ....------- If this child has already been “ adopted,” I agree to support another whom you will select. W ith God’s | ■ help I will send $8 a month to your office. Please let me have , my child’s name, picture, address and story. I understand I I * may continue as long as I wish. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. SEND FULL PARTICULARS. | I □ I cannot “ adopt” a child but want to help by giving $....... ...... I I □ Please mail folder, “ Information About Sponsoring Korean i Orphans.” I Name _________________ __________;______ .__ ____..................... ............ | Address ___________ _____ ____ ____________...____.........____________ • City ...— ------- — -------------------- Zone ____ State .......... I Gifts of any amount are welcome. A ll gifts and sponsorings are . income tax deductible. The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Ass'n. Inc. An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation | Dept. K - ll, 4848 N. Leonard Dr., Chicago 31, III., GL. 6-6181 | 7
The ESEA is caring for over 10,000 orphans, children of lep ers and war widows. Its work is known widely because its messages have gone out month after month in various ways including publicity in this and numerous religious and secu lar magazines. It serves more than 12 million meals each year. Help us expand our 108 Homes. Each one is a Chris tian institution with Bible-be- lieving Staff and Board mem bers. Sponsors are needed to take many more ragged, for saken children into our Homes ahead of Korea’s winter. Write or phone NOW!
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