book reviews Follow Me: Discipleship According To Saint Matthew By Martin H. Franzmann
by Arnold D. Ehlert Librarian, Biala Callage
Jewish Holy Days By Coulson Shepherd
A Jewish Christian, who has had a radio program for many years, out lines the Jewish holidays and draws prophetic significance from them. They were established by God and obviously for a distinct purpose. The Christian who wants to understand the Scriptures, the Jews, and his own heritage better will find here much enlightenment and profit. A chart spots the various days and seasons through 1971. 95 pages; paper; Loiz eaux Bros., New York; $1.50. The Messages of Genesis By Ralph H. Elliott The author, formerly a professor at Southern Baptist Theological Sem inary in Louisville, is currently chair man of the department of Old Testa ment at the new Midwestern Bap tist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri. It is his stated pur pose in this volume to study Genesis from a theological-religious stand point. The book is divided into three parts: Part I deals with the author ship and date; Part II covers the first eleven chapters of Genesis treating the subject, “ The need of man,” while Part III, titled, “God’s answer to man’s need,” endeavors to discuss chapters twelve through fifty of Gen esis. It is quite obvious from the many statements in this book that the writ er has been greatly influenced by the liberal position. At times it is also evident that this thinking has been somewhat shaped by neo-orthodox con cepts. It is to be observed that he favors the “ documentary hypothesis” with regard to the authorship of the Pentateuch (pp. 1-11). He maintains that Genesis is to be understood in the light of the parabolic and sym bolic nature of much of the Old Testament (p. 15). Furthermore, there are repeated s t a t e m e n t s throughout the book which cast doubt upon the historical accuracy of the events in Genesis (cf. p. 3, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 34, 35, 40, 43, 59, 66 , etc.). . Recommended books are available from the Biota Book Rooms, 5 60 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.
“ There is probably no bolder piece of narrative in all literature than Matthew’s account of the calling of the first four disciples (4:18-22); there is not an adjective in it, and only one adverb.” With this observa tion, the author opens a chapter-by chapter analysis of the First Gospel with a view to pointing out the mean-, ing and implication of discipleship. Jesus is seen as the Messiah, and the Gospel as of “ the kingdom at hand,” but throughout it is the disciples who keep occupying the foreground. Their training, discipline, and instruction are so often taken for granted that we fail to grasp their deeper and more far-reaching significance. The author, who is professor of New Testament Exegesis at Concordia Seminary at St. Louis, speaks a simple, even though profound, language. He bases his ap proach and method on the conviction that Jesus and His message can best be understood by the impact made upon the disciples. This is not a book such as the dispensationalist would write, but it offers many helpful insights. 240 p.; Concordia Publish ing House, St. Louis; $3.50. The Unfinished Work of Christ By August Van Ryn This is an exposition of the Acts of the Apostles written by a man who memorized the entire New Testament and the Psalms. The “ acts” follow the “ facts” of the Gospels. There is a homiletic insight here and some out lines, but the argument is illuminated from other parts of Scripture as well, as one would expect. Spiritual insight in many places will bless the reader. There may be a tendency to go a lit tle too far in drawing parallels or typical conclusions, such as the ship wreck story of the 27th chapter taken as symbolic of the movement of the church from Jerusalem to Rome and its subsequent decline and corruption. Some like these suggestive parallels, but others are not ready to go along with all of them. The truths are valid, but whether the deductions are is an other question. There are many help ful comments in the book, however. 253 pages; cloth; Loizeaux Bros., New York; $3.50.
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