order to be fruitful, Biblical theology “must take seriously both historical progression and theological unity in the Bible” (p. 17). “ Truly conceived,” says the author, “ Biblical theology is a labor of worship” (p. 19). In the words of an old Dutch preacher, “The pulpit must not drive us to the text, but rather the text must drive us to the pulpit” (p. 19). With this kind of an approach and introduction, Mr. Clowney develops a stimulating and worthwhile case for this major dis cipline. A bibliography follows. 124 pages; cloth; William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $2.50. COMPEL THEM TO COME IN by John R. Rice. 160 pages; paper over boards; Sword of the Lord Foundation, Wheaton, III.; $2.00. Nine ser mons on variou^ themes. SWEET IS THE LIGHT by Frederica Johnson. 141 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $2.50. Novel involving a compassionate "friend indeed" who spends most of her time helping others. There is a mysterious stranger involved, and the work of the Lord, in bringing salvation. IS GOD A "DIRTY BULLY"? AND OTHER SEN SATIONAL SERMONS by John R. Rice. 202 pages; paper cover boards; Sword of the Lord Founda tion, Wheaton, III.; $2.50. The first sermon is an answer to Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam's story in his Preaching in a Revolutionary Age. THE MYSTERY OF THE STAR SAPPHIRE by Elise Fraser. 153 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. Story of a jewel intrigue and how God worked in the life of a young man and woman. BOOK ENDS________ (A Review of Current Publications)
Because this wort is definitely slanted to the Liberal and Neo-orthodox view point, it will undoubtedly prove to have little value to the conservative evangelical believer. 209 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn.; $4.50.-—Reviewed by Nickolas Kurta- neck. Preaching and Biblical Theology By Edmund P. Clowney Theology is a broad term. It sub divides into half a dozen varieties, at least: systematic, philosophical, dog matic, historical, exegetical, polemic, and Biblical, to name the chief ones. It is primarily a matter of viewpoint and method, as the Bible remains the basis of most theological systems (in the Christian category). The author of this volume seeks to define Biblical theology and then to relate it to the authority of preaching, the charac ter of preaching, and the content of preaching. He is Associate Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. He maintains a column in Christian ity Today titled “ Eutychus and His Kin.” “Nothing is so essential for the preacher as that he should grasp, and be grasped by the truth” (p. 10). In
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