King's Business - 1961-11

world newsgrams by James O. Henry, Chairman, H istory Dept., Biola Lutherans Move to Convert Jews The National Lutheran Council has embarked on an intensive campaign to convert Jews to Christianity. The Council is a cooperative agency rep­ resenting eight Lutheran bodies in this country with a combined mem­ bership of more than 5,000,000 churchgoers. Last year the Council’s Department for the Christian Ap­ proach to the Jewish People held a “theological consultation on t h e church and Judaism” at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Faculty members from twelve Lutheran seminaries attended the conference, along with delegates from other Protestant bodies and a few ministers from cities with large Jewish populations. Dr. H. Conrad Hoyer of Chicago, reporting on the work of the Council said, “As far as the Christian Church is concerned, we have no alternative but to bring the gospel to the Jewish people and to tell others; to neglect them or to leave them out is to discriminate against them.” German Reds Curb Religion The United States accused East Germany’s communist regime re­ cently of having violated religious liberty. It charged that the regime was attempting to split the evangeli­ cal church in Germany between East and West. The group is Germany’s largest Protestant church. The State Department said the evangelical church was one of the few institutions still operating in both East and West Germany. Lincoln White, the depart­ ment’s press officer, linked the Red crackdown on the Church to pro­ posals by Premier Khrushchev for the conversion of West Berlin into a free city unprotected by United States, British, and French troops. “This deplorable violation of religious liberty by the authorities of the re­ gime imposed on East Germany by the Soviet Union,” Mr. White said, “ reveals to the outside world the quality of freedom prevailing in that area of Germany now under Soviet domination.” As an example of the hostility that Mr. White said the Communists had displayed toward | the evangelical church, the official mentioned restrictions imposed re­ cently on travel by church representa­ tives from both East and West Ger­ many. NOVEMBER, 1961

The New Testament Department headed by Dr. Donald W. Burdick seeks to answer the question:

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‘Hear. 0 ISRAEL!' “ FAITH COMETH BY HEARING.” Jews who will not enter a church will tune in our “Message to Israel” broadcasts aired over 50 stations with coast-to-coast and foreign coverage, including the State of Israel. 1961 marks our 25th year of broadcasting the gospel to Jews. Month-to-month giving by the Lord’s people keeps this vital message on the air. May we have your prayerful support? Send for free copy of our informative mag­ azine, MESSAGE TO ISRAEL. M E S S A G E T O I S R A E L , I n c . Box 682, General Post Office, New York 1, New York

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