by Paul Bayles, Pastor, Christ Community Church Canoga Park, Calif.
in 23 countries around the world, by support ing missionaries, engaging and sending out more missionaries, distributing Bi- b!es, New Testaments and Gospel literature in Russian and other languages, sending relief to suffering Christians in Europe and supporting the Russian Bible Institute in Argentina. You could have fellowship with us in this world-wide ministry by prayer and sending your gift i o . . . Slavic Gospel Association, Inc. Peter Deyneka, General Director Dept. K 2434 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago 47. III. In Can., 14 Park Rd., Toronto 5, Ontario (Free copy of SLAVIC GOSPEL NEWS will be sent on request.) Order now, MUCH PRAYER, MUCH POWER, book by Peter Deyneka, $1.50. Peter Deyneka
W h e n tw o people first fall in love, they are intensely pre occupied with each other. They see all others as unfocused silhouettes flitting about on the shadowy screen of the outside world. To be alone to gether is their chief desire. Seclusion characterizes the early weeks of mar riage. This need is recognized as legitimate by the institution of the honeymoon. As the months pass by, married couples realize that they cannot con tinue their dream of isolation. Former friends want to visit them in their new home. New friends must be made in the neighborhood where they have decided to live. They are invited to social activities and invitations are expected from them. Married couples quickly realize that to have a home is to incur social responsibilities. The New Testament offers no es cape from social obligation. Nowhere is isolation from people recommended as a pattern for living. Christians are described as the salt of the earth and as such, are called upon to be sprinkled upon an earthly society. In the new relationship of husband and wife, the choosing of mutual friends is a delicate task. Not all pre vious friendships and associations can be renewed or encouraged. The hus band must give up some of his bache lor interests, as must the wife dis courage some maiden companion ships. Each must sacrifice some pri vate interests in order to cultivate partnership interests and activities. There is an inevitable reshuffling of social lives for both husband and wife. When handled with considera tion, this regrouping of interests can bring the couple closer together while broadening their social horizons. As in all adult and mature rela tionships, consideration for the other and interest in the welfare of the partnership will be guiding rules. Generally speaking, when a man mar ries, he must cease to be “ one of the boys.” His interests and responsibili ties are no longer the same as theirs. Similarly, the married woman soon discovers that she lives in a world that is different from that of her single friends. Another rule of thumb would be that couples should seek new friends from among happily married people of their own age and circumstance. Unhappy persons, par ticularly divorced people, or those
who are in the throes of domestic strife of their own, are usually poor companions for a married couple. Certainly there is a place, in the give and take of marriage, for hus bands and wives to cultivate friend ships on their own. Not every friend ship or interest needs to be mutual. Seldom are two persons completely alike in their individual interests and social tastes. Making mutual conces sions is part of maturity and good marriage adjustment. Keeping our own personalities alive through legiti mate and stimulating interests, even if not shared with our partners, but approved by them, will make our con tributions to marriage mutually bene ficial. This is particularly important for young mothers. Working day after day with babies, pre-schoolers and even school children will offer little opportunity for intellectual stimula tion. Husbands, pre-occupied with the vocational anxieties, often fail to con tribute to their wives’ need for adult companionship. Perhaps the poem “ Have Baby, W ill Travel,” written by Elizabeth MacFarland, will explain humorously the young mother’s need for adult friendship to round out her life. Have diapers (disposable), feeding chair (hoseable), Thermometer, bottle brush, milk; Have plasticized sheeting, have gad get for heating And panties of waterproof silk. Have vitamins, zwieback, a harness to tie back My son in inadequate crib; Have aspirin, sleepers, applesauce, creepers, Can opener, orange juice, bib. Have blanket, have teddy, have boiled water ready, Have tissue, have talcum, have Spock . . . My thoughts I’ll unravel; have baby, will travel, But never again past our own block! Not only will Christian couples need adult friendships of the quality described, but will have need to de velop the art in their own lives of being good neighbors and friends. No family is complete in itself. We need our neighbors and our friends. They need us. A Christian home should have a spirit of friendship that is contagious.
Enjoy the beauties of London, Paris, Rome, Athens, C a iro enroute to nine exciting days in the H o ly Land. Tour conducted by A . A . MacKinney.______________________ The A. M. F. was founded in 1887 by William E. Blackstone to bring a Chris tian witness to Jews. We now reach them by personal visitation, distribution of special literature,' Bible classes, and by radio broadcasts in several strategic lo cations, one of which is the daily pro gram beamed to the State of Israel from Monaco. In March 1962, celebrating our 75th Anniversary, we will cooperate with the Jewish National Fund in dedicating a forest in Israel to the memory of William E. Blackstone, First great Christian Zionist, friend of Israel, and founder of the A. M. F. We invite you to join us in planting a tree in Israel while you are there with us. For further information, clip coupon below. AMERICAN MESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP Archie A. MacKinney, Sept. 7448 N. Daman Avenue, Chicago 45, Illinois □ Kindly send information on A.M.F. □ I am interested in your tour, for persons. Name__________________________________________ Address________________________________________
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