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B Y A L T H E A S . M I L L E R M o m m ie , if somebody gave you a Thunderbird with three lights on each side at the back would you take it?” “Y-yes, I would,” an incredulous mother answered. “Why do you ask?” “ Because I know you like the two lights on each side better than three. But best of all you like the one big light on each side, doncha?” “Y’ya know what, Mommie? I’ve been sittin’ here wondering how I can earn a thousand dollars to buy you a Thunderbird, either white or pink like you want.” That did it. Mommie was “ shook” ! As she reached toward her seven- year-old to give him a hug of gratitude she saw a radiant light on his dear little face. The dreaming and discussions have been heaps of fun, especially since most of the family has concurred with Mother’s taste. She knows she has as much chance of getting that automo bile as she has of sprouting wings and beating Mr. Khrushchev to the moon. What with having had nine children, and eight of them in school, all the way from seminary, college, and on down to third grade,—need more be sa’ d? “We’d have fun with a Thunder bird,” Mark insisted. “You would drive it until I get big enough to get a driver’s license so I could help. By that time you will be too old to drive so I will drive you wherever you want to go.” Mother’s “ caboose” has his and her future nicely planned and packaged. As his face glowed with the joy of planning unselfishly for her, Mother’s heart was filled with new love and gratitude. How good God her Father is to give her a family who shares with her, -— even to the sharing of dreams. Her heart was overwhelmed with a renewed prayer of dedication. “ Lord, not one of these children is mine. A ll are Thine. I praise Thee again for allowing me the privilege of rearing them for Thee. How truly the psalmist said, “ Child ren are an heritage of the Lord” (Ps. 127:3). May I always cherish this heritage!
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