verbal, inerrant inspiration of the Word, without equivocation or com promise.
1 wish that this could be said o f every school known as “ evangelical,” but I am afraid that in at least some instances it cannot.
Years ago, BIOLA was widely known as a Bible Institute. It still has its Institute. But BIOLA College, Talbot Seminary and the BIOLA School o f Missionary Medicine are now all intrinsic parts o f what is known generally as BIOLA. A ll departments o f BIOLA are doing an excellent job. But the earnest convictions of the original Bible Institute seem to be carried over without mitigation or diminution into the spiritual life of the other departments BIOLA is not ashamed of having the Bible as its very heart and center. Call this “ Bible Institute M entality” if you will. It is actually “ Bible cen trality.” In January, 1961, I was on a teaching mission in East Africa. One clay in Kenya, I asked about 200 missionaries, “How many o f you are graduates of theological seminaries?” No hands were raised. The next question: “How many o f you are graduates of Bible Institutes?” A forest o f raised hands appeared. This is not necessarily a reflection on theological seminaries, save to the extent to which they may here and there minimize the missionary challenge. But it is an exhibition of the effects of what neo-evangelicals may haughtily call “ Bible Institute M entality.” The mentality which is humble enough to believe the Bible, to keep the Bible at the core o f an academic curriculum, to obey the dictates of the Bible at any cost, to refuse to make common cause with those who repudiate the Bible — this “ Bible Institute M entality” is what in this in stance thrust 200 missionaries out into a needy section of East Africa! If this is the result of “ Bible Institute M entality”— the e ffo r t to evan gelize a lost and dying world — then let us pray for more men and women with this mentality. W e need education. Our young people must be equipped when called to serve the Lord in academic fields. But let them never become so ambi tious to attain academically that they lose their vision o f a Christ-less world, that they perm it the intellectual pride o f life to grip them and that thus they too look with disdain upon humble believers who may not be universiy and seminary graduates but who are doing a job for the Sav iour with the Bible in their hands and their hearts. But still, I find the words “ Bible Institute M entality” intriguing.
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