Future of Prevention Programme Interim Report

The agreed scope of this work: proactive prevention for older people

There are many different forms of prevention, from broadscale public health campaigns through to very targeted prevention aimed at a specific groups of people. Preventative interventions can also be offered at different stages in a person’s journey. While all forms of prevention are important, in the context of the challenges facing adult social care, this programme focuses on proactive, targeted prevention for older people where there is an opportunity to demonstrably and measurably improve outcomes for individuals in the short- to medium-term. Scope includes the role of partners in delivery of prevention , such as health and the VCSFE sector.

Focusing on prevention with these cohorts provides several opportunities: 1) We know people in these cohorts are at risk of a crisis. We should be proactive in making holistic support available . 2) By responding to today’s pressures and working with the people we know will need services in the next few years, we will release capacity for further preventative support. 3) The ability to build an evidence base for prevention more quickly , which in turn can act as a business case for further investment.

Who? Individuals at risk of a crisis or escalation in the near future.

1 Delay

2 Prevent/ Reduce

Local Population

The scope of this programme is proactive prevention for older people



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