
26A — December 11 - 23, 2015 — Pennsylvania — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


Lehigh Valley Chapter www.crewlehighvalley.org Commercial Real Estate Women

CREW Lehigh Valley Celebrates 11th Annual Meeting

2015 L ehigh V alley B oard of D irectors P resident A drienne K wiatek -H olub N ational P enn B ank P resident E lect P am M orris L iberty P roperty T rust P ast P resident C hrista K raftician , AIA, LEED AP S pillman F armer A rchitects S ecretary M arie M c C onnell F itzpatrick L entz &,B ubba , PC C orresponding S ecretary P am S ullivan N ational O ffice F urniture T reasurer J ennifer K eat T ubiello -H arr & A ssoc . D irectors at L arge K elly B erfield , E sq . C olliers I nternational T ina R oseberry C ity of E aston C ommitee C hairs & C o -C hairs M embership B etsy S hamberger M oonstone environmental C onnie H asara M ohawk G roup P ublic R elations L isa P ektor P enn CAP P roperties Julie Profilet-Saucier S pillman F armer A rchitects C ommunity S ervices S andra K uhns K& H C ustom W indows P rograms J ulie M acomb N orris M c L aughlin & M arcus F oundation C hampions K ate H art Z ayaitz N ational P enn B ank A nn M arie O sika L afayette A mbassador B ank D elegates P am M orris L iberty P roperty T rust K ristin H omes , PE HC E ngineering , LLP For membership information contact: Betsy@moonstoneenviro.com

Secretary Marie McConnell Esq., an- nounced the elected officers for 2016: President, Pam Morris; President Elect, Kristin Holmes: Past President, Adrienne Kwiatek-Holub; Secretary, Marie McConnell; Treasurer, Jennifer Keat; Director at Large, Tina Roseberry; Director at Large, Julie Macomb; and Corresponding Secretary, Sandy Kuhns.

ETHLEHEM, PA — The 11th Annual Meeting of Commercial Real Estate Women of the Lehigh Valley (CREW LV) was held November 11 at the Blue Event Center in Bethlehem. Conducted by 2015 President Adrienne Kwiatek Holub (center) with assistance from Past President Christa Kraftician (left) and President-Elect Pam Morris (right) , the lunchtime event recapped an active year, reviewed goals and celebrated successes. B

President Holub-Kwiatek summarized the strengths of the chapter. These include diversity of professions; members’ commitment to make business referrals and work together; strong, high-profile program- ming; strategic leadership; a strong sponsorship base; and great rela- tionships with the CREWnational network. She noted that the Publicity Committee has instituted a program to nominate members for awards. Those receivingWomen of Influence Honors included (from left): Sara Hailstone; Darlene Pors; Maureen O’Meara; and Kate Hart Zayaitz

The Lehigh Valley Planning Com- mission honored a playground maze designed and constructed by CREW members for the Grace Montessori School, Allentown. Rosalin Petrucci, who conceived and promoted the idea, displays the award.

Membership chair Betsy Scham- berger stated that membership continued to grow through 2015 and now exceeds 100 profes- sionals.


Liberty Property Trust • Spillman Farmer Architects Fitzpatrick, Lentz & Bubba, LLC • PennCAP Properties ServPro of Eason, Bethlehem & Whitehall • National Penn Bank Norris McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A. PATRON Boyle Construction Management • NAI Summit Management Northstar Construction Management • Newmark Grubb Knight Frank CONTRIBUTORS Campbell Rappold & Yurasists ,LLP • Regan Levan Bloss Brown & Saychak PC Lafayette Ambassador Bank • Buckno Lisicky & Co. Environmental Consultation Services • MKSD Architects FRIENDS Dietrick Group • The Frederick Group • First Trust Bank • JG Petrucci Co. Feinberg Real Estate Advisors • HMK Insurance • Design Point Tubiello-Harr Associates

Members of the Social Media subcommittee received Hard Hat awards. Pictured here are Julie Profilet-Saucier (left) and Tina Honthy.

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