2023 I BelongMagazine.com Digital by UniFIED Efforts, Inc.

Virtual learning during this pandemic is unhelpful compared to the in-person learning process . Inside Higher Ed took a survey from OneClass on 14,000 freshman students from over 200 colleges, and the results are as follows: “About 85 percent of respondents said the pandemic had a negative effect on their performance."(Amour, 2021) Before the pandemic my friends were getting B’s and C’s, and now they are getting D’s and F’s. My friend from the neighborhood told me that the best he has done during virtual schooling is getting all D's. Pandemic isolation and virtual learning have contributed to more stress and lower grades. I always help my friends who go to the same school with their work. Personally, my mental health did not affect my grades because getting my work done was always my priority. But for others, it may be different. My friends claim that it is harder to focus, and because of their mental health, they are not in the right mindset to do their work. College students would also seem to agree with these statements. BestColleges.com has a survey that college students take, and here are their results: “95% of college students have experienced negative mental health symptoms as a result of COVID-19-related circumstances. Almost half (48%) believe that believe that mental health effects have directly affected their education. There could also be other side effects to isolation and virtual learning. Virtual learning has been hard for everyone mentally these past years, and a decline in mental health will also affect one's educational achievement. Maybe a decrease in grades can also change someone's career path to a lower-level status. This could also lead to parental pressure, which could make a student’s mental state worse. Parents can help their children's mental health a lot by being patient with them and spending time with them.

Amour, M. (2021, January 5). Survey: Pandemic Negatively Affected Grades This Fall . Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2021/01/05/survey-pandemic-negatively-affected-grades-fall

https://www.bestcolleges.com/research/college-mental-health-impacts-from-covid- 19/ https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6945a3.htm

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