King's Business - 1944-06





T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

The men were to follow the example of Gideon, their leader. This is the way of spiritual victory today: to keep the eyes upon the great Leader, Jesus Christ, and to follow Him. Thus will His promise be fulfilled: “The works that I do shall he do also” (John 14:12). III. T he V ictory for the F ew (19-21) A ll was arranged, and the three bands were in their respective places when the hour came for changing the guards in the camp of the Midianites. Suddenly the hills surrounding that camp were- echoing with the shouts of Gideon’s men, the trumpets were sounding, and the torches were seen aloft. From the valley, it would ap-, pear that the whole camp was sur­ rounded, by an immense force. In dis­ may, the Midianites were thrown into disorder, and they began to flee from the scene. The sentence to be impressed upon the mind is that which the organiza­ tion called “The Gideons!’ has adopt­ ed as its motto: “They, stood every man in his place.” None was missing, each was doing his part; none was out of rank, each was in his own place; and none was refusing to follow the instructions given, each blew his trumpet, shoutgd, and waved aloft his torch. With such obedience, there was no doubt of the outcome. The church today needs to" learn this lesson. No matter how few are on the Lord’s side, or how strongly entrenched is the enemy, the victory is certain when there is obedience to Christ by each of the “faithful few,” Points and Problems 1. "The people are yet too many" (Judg. 7:4), To all outward appear­ ances this statement was not true. The hosts ,of the Midianites were greatly superior to the combined hosts of Is­ rael. But Israel heeded to know that salvation is; of the Lord. No amount of organization, display, scheming, or

massing of riches can save a single soul. Spiritual victory is always from the Lord. 2. “By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you" (v. 7). God works through men who are alert, watchful, courageous, and . eager for the conflict. Three hundred men of the right kind and God can win any vic­ tory; on earth. God is not dependent .unon numbers,- and He is often on the side of the minority. Too many men are'charmed by the crowd, but have no concern for the right. 3. “He divided th-. three hundred men into three companies" (y. 16). Note the order and plan of procedure in preparation for the assault upon the enemy. There was to be no going forward blindly into the fray not knowing what was to be done. God is a God of order, who works by a plan. His, servants should be like Him in this respect. 4. “They stood every man in his place" (v. 21). The whoje camp of the enemy was to be thrown into confu­ sion, not just a part of it. Therefore, there was a definite responsibility resting upon each man. And they did not fail. Too often' there is failure in the service of the Lord today because every man is not in his place. Too many shirk their duty. Responsibilities are evaded or shifted to others. God’s challenge to every man is for him to find his place in. God’s great battle against the hosts of wickedness and to bear aloft the. lighted pitcher of His truth. -------- Golden Text Illustration 1_ S amuel 14:6 When Commodore Joseph Smith saw by the first dispatch that reached Washington from Fortress Monroe that the “Congress’* on which his son was commander, had shown the white flag, he said, “Then Joe’s dead!” It was so . . . because his faithfulness could be counted on. Today God is looking for “ three hun­ dred men,” as it were, upon whom He can depend and know that they will wholly follow Him. The Lord does not need vast numbers, but a faithful few. —Adapted from Twenty-five Hundred Best Modem Illustrations, by Hallock. Gideon's Army J udges 7 MEMORY VERSE: “ I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song” (Isa. 12:2).

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