King's Business - 1944-06


June, 1944

great truth—that it was the Lord who was their Helper, and they must look to Him first of all, not tor large armies or wise generals, or any other person. We must learn that lesson, 'too. LESSON STORY: The Lord’s people, with Gideon their leader, were at war with many strong enemies, called “the host of the Midianites.” Gideon had 32,000 men, but perhaps he wondered whether this army, was large enough to meet so many powerful foes. The Lord surprised him by saying, “Gid­ eon, the people that are with thee are too many” (v. 2). The Lord knew that if He would give them the victory over their enemies, they would be proud and say, “ See what we did.” “We will make the army smaller,” the Lord told Gideon. “Tell every one to go back home if he is ‘fearful and afraid’ ” (v. 3). There were 22,000 who went home! Only 10,000 men were left. “The people are yet too many” (v. 4), the Lord said. To find those who really trusted the Lord, and thought more of Him than of their own needs, the Lord told Gideon--to take the men to the water’s edge and tell them they could drink there. Only the ones who drank quickly, lifting the water to their lips with their hands, were to be members of the army. There were only 300 who did that. Gould so few men be victorious? No, by themselves they could not; but God was with them. (Tell the story contained in 7:16-21.) They had learned to say: “ . . . the Lord Jehovah is my strength . . .” (Memory Verse). - . Object Lesson T e s t in g M e n a n d M a t c h e s ' . .OBJECTS: Twenty-one matches, a large magnet, and 3 straight pins. (Soak 3 of the matches in water and insert thé pins in the stub ends. A1-' low these matches to contact, for sev­ eral hours, one certain prong,of the magnet, pointing the heads toward the other prong. Mark the prongs so as to be sure to use them the same way When teaching the lesson. Bend 12 of the matches close to the head until the head is alpiost broken off, and then straighten them, so that the break will not be noticeable.) LESSON: If you were choosing sol­ diers for the army,: what kind of a test would you give them? Most gen­ erals want men with strong bodies and alert minds. Gideon, one of the judges for the children of Israel, was choos­ ing soldiers for the army, and the Lord told him to do some very strange things—at least men in the army to­ day would think them strange. First Gideon was told to ask who among the soldiers were afraid. Those who said that they were afraid were counted out—22,000 of them. I have

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several matches in my hand. Some of them will nod their heads like the fear­ ful Israelites. Twelve of them nodded their heads, and became useless.,[The heads w ill now fall off, when slightly rubbed with the hand, having been previously broken.] The Lord told Gid­ eon to send the fearful home, as they cojuld not be used. There were still too many in Gideon’s army, so the Lord ordered another test.’ Gideon was told to take the remaining 10,000 down to the water to drink. Those who stood, dipping the water up with their hands, were to be kept in the army, and those who knelt down to drink were refused. God use's the watchful, npt careless people, in His army. We w ill use this magnet in making this test. [Put the magnet on its side, and stand the matches on one prong, pointing the heads up toward the other prong.] See, only three stand, and the others go down. These three matches remind me of the three hundred men who stood as they drank that day, and were chosen to be soldiers in Gideon’s army. We should remember that in choosing people today, God wants those who will be brave and watchful at all times.

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