King's Business - 1944-06


June, 1944

BIOLA FAMILY [ Continued from Page 219] Married Bernhard R. Doerksen and Hulda Peters, ’42, May 2, Reedley, Calif. Born To Gurney (’39) and Mrs. Harris, a daughter, Myra Lou, A p r i l 6, Aru,! Congo Beige, Africa. To Harland and Mrs. Huff (Grace Wilkins, ’34), a son, James Kenneth, March 19, Altadena, Calif. To Orville ( ’39) and Mrs. Hurd (’39), a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, April 6, Orange, Calif. To Carleton E. and Mrs. Null (Doro­ thy Bryan, ’34), a son* Paul Bryan,- May 7, Oakland, Calif. To Lowell C. (B. Th. ’40) and Mrs. Wendt (Marie Gunther, ’40), a son, Lowell Cedrick, April 8, Los Angeles, Calif. With the Lord Selma Risser Bachmann (T9) was called to her heavenly home Dec. 31, at Woodlake, Calif., after a short ill­ ness. She leaves her husband, Daniel Bachmann, three daughters, and one son who is overseas. Loyd Wilson McCaslin, beloved hus­ band of Jennie Pedersen McCaslin ( ’35), was killed near the New Guinea area in thé South Pacific as the result of enemy action. Mrs. McCaslin may be addressed at 2280 W. 20th St., Los Angeles, Calif. TEAMS FOR CHRIST [ Continued from Page 199] lowship, but also as Christians in the same factory, school, business office, or any other relationship in which men are thrown together, that, in the Lord’s name, they can witness 'and pray and bear fruit together. Thus are brought into being small, versatile, keen units, for Christian “active service” along specialized lines and with a definite goal in view. Whatever name we like to give then), these units bear every resemblance to what is known, wher­ ever men work together for common ends, as a team. How do we start a team? There is a sense in which no one’ can start a team, any more than one can conduct a revival. Revival is an act of God; and a team, if it is to be of any value, must be a creation of God. Experience shows that when the Christian, be­ comes burdened with the need of a particular community, or people in a similar work of life, he prays. In an­ swer to prayer, it is common for him to meet another person like-minded, and they pray together. Then they be­ gin to plan a program, waiting for the

Annuities Your Money Now Will Supply Tracts to Service Men! For l i t years this Society has followed its two-fold object to diffuse a knowledge o f the Lord Jesus Christ by pub­ lishing and distributing literature among all nations and now among Service men. fou r purchase o f Annuity Bonds enables you to cooperate and also pays you up to 7% annually according to age. Issued in strict accordance with Y. State Banking Laws, these bonds are a safe and profitable investment for stewards o f the Lord’s money, planning to set aside a portion rfo r His use, but needing th e income for them­ selves or dependents.


W rite for booklet K , stating age, fo r . further information. V T. CHBISTIK IN NFS, General Secretary. I A merican T ract S ociety E S T A B L I S H E D l « 2 5 21 W e s t 46 th S t re e t, N ew Y o r k , N. Y. M A SS MURDER OF JEW S

The stories of mass murder of Jews by the Nazis com­ puted in the millions were first thought to be fantastic. Unmistakable proof shows that heartless cruelty has been understated. A CHRISTIAN CHALLENGE The,e Jewish persecutions may be in God’s providence our opportunity to win them to Christ and show that we really care. This Society is now sending aid to starving Jews in PpISnd, many of them children, ■rtiis is in addition to our ministry among the two and a half million Jews in New York City, including the care of Hebrew-Christian refugees. THE DIVINE IMPERATIVE "Go rather tb the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matt. 10:6) Is Christ's command with impressive meaning today. This Faith Work, founded in 1908 by the sainted Dr. Thomas M. Chalmers, needs your help by gift and prayer. Frederick A. Aston Read of the progress of the work in our monthly “ Jewish Missionary Magazine.** Subscription, $1.00 per year. Sample copy 10c. NEW YORK JEWISH EVANGELIZATION SOCIETY, INC. Rev. Curtis Lee Laws, D.D., LL.D., President; Rev. Frederick A.. Aston, A.M.. Director 56 Second Avenue, New York. 3, N. Y.

High School Course at Home i Many Finish in 2 Years Go w rapidly asyour Lime and abilities permit. Course equivalent to resident school work — prepares you lor entrance to college. Standard H. S. texts supplied Diploma. Credit tot H. 8. subjects airoady completed. Sidgit tab- jects if desired. High school education is very important tot ad­ vancement in businessand industry and socially. Don tps nanta- capped all your Ufe. Bo a High School graduate start Tear trafaluo now Free ftallatfa on reouast. No obligation. American School, Dept. H A35, Drexel at 58th, Chicago 37 God surely has placed them in that very spot to witness together for lost souls. The plaintive call of sheep without a shepherd; the heavy heads of fields white unto harvest, the unaccustomed teachability of men and women jolted out of their familiar rut into the midst of new people and habits and manners —think you who love Christ, o f the opportunity! What can be done to bring the magnetic message of the love of Christ to the people in your profession, the fellows in your service unit, the soldiers in your city? What about a team for Christ in your classroom, your o f f i c e , your plant, your ship, your home? THE TEAM CAN BEGIN WITH YOU.

Lord to open the door at. each stage, and so they are led forth to witness. A soldier in a barracks in the north of England first made- contact with another Christian soldier simply by carrying his Bible conspicuously. A Gospel Team in the barracks was the result. Many other teams, begun in much the same way, witness to the wonders God is doing in many a hard corner, in many a dark heart. Few of these Christians are in full-time ser­ vice for the Lord. Many of them are drawn from the ranks of Christian working people whose spiritual vigor is maintained in. regular fellowship with some local church, while in their' daily work they seek to win the lost. Considering the number of Chris­ tians in business and in war work to­ day, why are there so many places of business without an internal corporate testimony for Christ? God maker no mistake. When two or more Christians find themselves placed together by His unerring band among a group of lost souls, be it in a factory, plant or workshop, shipyard or office, hospital or ship, service unit or army camp.

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