King's Business - 1944-06

“ÁmeaicA's most UnusuAl Co llege

But Bab fjaneS Galletee haS well established academie and cultural standards.

Credits a re accep ted b y le a d in g colleges, universi­ ties, a n d g ra d u a te schools in a ll sections of Am erica.

Bob Jones College, which stands without apology for the "old-time religion" and for the absolute authority o| the Bible, has had an increase in enrollment of fifty per cent in the last two years. The Bob Jones College Academy affords splendid opportunities for high school training especially valuable to young men soon to enter upon military service. Bob Jones College offers a wide variety of courses leading to Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of-Science degrees, and in the Graduate School of Religion courses leading to t^ie Master of Arts and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees, and in the Grad­ uate School ,of Fine Arts courses leading to the Master of Arts and the Master of Fine Arts degrees in music and speech. Voice, piano, violin, p ip e o rgan , art,'and speech a re offered without a d d i­ tional cost a b o v e re g u la r a cad em ic tuition.

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