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CR Expo is all booked up and ready


space left available for this year’s Clarence- Rockland Expo. She has a smile on her face as the April 23 Expo weekend draws closer. “We’re fully booked,” Lizotte said during a phone interview. “This year, the booking

happened very quickly. I had calls coming in in the fall, before the date for this year was even set.” The main ice pad at the Clarence-Rock- land Arena is the primary site again for dis- play booths in this year’s Expo, with more displays spilling out into the arena atrium and outside of the building located at the Canadian International Hockey Club cam- pus, off of County Road 17 near the Caron Road intersection. Lizotte noted that at least half of the exhibitors this year will be new- comers to the Expo, which is what she and her team of organizers like to see. The goal

of the annual exposition has always been to highlight both, local and regional busi- nesses which serve the Clarence-Rockland and surrounding areas. “It’s open to anyone who wants to do business in Clarence-Rockland,” she said, adding that local entrepreneurs are always encouraged to keep their names in the draw for Expo space. This year’s theme for the Expo is A time for renewal withmany of the booth vendors representing the building and health ser- vices sectors, ranging from do-it-yourself to personal training.

As usual, Anne Lizotte has a waiting list of people wanting to squeeze into any little

Early appreciation party for hospital volunteers

Volunteer Week began April 11, but staff and administration at theWinchester District Memorial Hospital could not wait that long to show their appreciation to all the volunteers who help, behind the scenes, at the hospital. “This is an opportunity to thank the more than 185 volunteers who are so important to our hospital,” stated Cholly Boland, hospital chief executive officer, at the April 5 Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at the Chesterville LegionHall. “Last year they contributedmore than 10,600 hours of their time to support patients and families. Pictured are uxiliary Service Awards recipients Judy Little, Local Life Member; Tara Fawcett, HAAO Provincial Life Member; Faye McCurdy, Volunteer Pin; Karen Graham, certificate of appreciation (back row left); Norma McNaughton, certificate of appreciation; and Bev Beck, certificate of Appreciation.


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