King's Business - 1949-12

Sam Jones, once said; "M y objection to the saloon keeper is the same that I have to the louse. He makes his living off the head of a family." E E *° any evangelical Christian Minister, r 1 | k E E Sunday School or Missionary Superin­ tendent, one copy of "G O D 'S LOVING MON'EY RULE" for each family in his congregation, providing he will agree to givje a talk on TITHING before distribution. Write stating number of leaflets desired to f

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would be the elimination of illegal dis­ tilling. It is interesting to note in this connec­ tion that in the 15 years since repeal the alcohol tax unit agents have seized 150,- 000 illegal stills, and during the same time 31 agents have met death in the course of duty while more than 525 have been injured and another 258 have been assaulted by liquor-law violators. All of this does not surprise anyone who has insight into what the Word of God says about the incorrigibility of the human heart. But this is an interesting sidelight on the political smoke screen of lies used to remove from our statute books one of the most forward-looking bits of legislation ever enacted. Lamech's Book & A recent issue of the bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research points out the chance recovery of a book of supposed great antiquity. It seems that the book was found in the spring of 1947 and purports to be the description of the life and times of Noah. Appar­ ently the book has much of the earmarks of authenticity and able scholars are now perusing its contents. The belief, how­ ever, that this is a lost book out of the Bible is erroneous for the present ac­ cepted Bible text as we now have it, is full and complete, lacking nothing. This does not mean that the discovery of books like this may not be historically correct, but historicity is one thing and inspiration quite another. Big Affiliation Recently in Denver, Colorado, a church census was conducted to deter­ mine the church affiliation of the resi­ dents of that city. This survey was conducted by the Denver Council of Churches and rather surprisingly re­ vealed that about 300,000 persons have, or propose to have, links with some 346 churches in the city. This includes 3 out of every 4 residents. The local daily, Rocky Mountain News, was startled and told its readers that it planned to as­ sign a reporter and photographer to cover the services in a different church each Sunday just as these news men cover reports in the State House and in the courts.

Much Travel A news note reminds us that more Americans are traveling more this year over the highways and byways of our nation than ever before in history. It is estimated that some 43,000,000 motor ve­ hicles will be in use at the end of 1949 and that they will have traveled the un­ precedented total of 425,000,000,000 miles during the year. Now by comparison this is about 33 times as much mileage as the Americans ever got out of the horse and buggy, for in 1909, which was the big year of horse travel, some 26,000,000 horses traveled about 130,000,000 miles annually, which means that Dobbin averaged about 500 miles each year whereas the average mo­ tor vehicle goes about 10,000. Our only interest in these statistics is to remind us of Daniel’s observance (Dan. 12:4) that at the time of the end, many shall run to and fro. 423.000. 000? Jt A recent announcement by the Vati­ can radio pointed out that there are now 423.000. 000 Catholics in the world. This is an increase in 30 years of 119,000,000 souls according to Catholic mathematics. In the same period the population of the world jumped 600,000,000. All of this reminds one of a number of interesting conversations with so- called Catholics. One in particular, a gentleman who reported that since his marriage to a Catholic wife, his name and the names o f his children have been entered in the tally of the local church while the truth was that neither he nor any of his family have ever had any connections there. Statistics are always interesting, but sometimes not fully re­ liable. Protestants should not be taken in by Rome’s statistical reports, not even by the rather loudly touted figures re­ leased by the World Council of Protes­ tant Churches. The only real figures which count are those which are entered in the Lamb’s book of life. Illegality Banished? «i* Most of our readers are old enough to remember the claims of the repealists back in 1932 that, with the 18th Amend­ ment removed from the books, one result


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