Satan, who is far more powerful than he. As human beings “ we wrestle not against flesh and blood [other human be ings], but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the dark ness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph. 6:12). If we were left to struggle with Satan in our own strength, we should inevi tably fight a losing battle. But “thanks be to God!” He has given us His own all-powerful, indwelling Holy Spirit; and in His strength “we are more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Rom. 8:37). The host of spiritual beings in the army of Satan and under the direction of Satan is what Paul has in mind in Ephesians 6:12. Hence the admonition which follows to “ put on the whole armour of God.” A friend of mine says that every Jew who lived and died before the crucifixion of Christ was saved, because Christ’s atonement wiped out all their sins. If so, would not this apply to all nations, as well as to Jews? Yes, it would if the statement of your friend were true. But it is not true. The Lord said to the Jews of His time, “ If ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins” (John 8:24). And again, “ Whither I go, ye cannot come” (John 8:22). The Old Testament Scriptures abound with the teaching that being a descendant of Abraham will avail noth ing, apart from Abraham’s faith in a coming Redeemer. God has had one plan of salvation from the beginning. People who were saved during the Old Testa ment days were saved by looking for ward to Christ’s death, and by trusting in that foreseen sacrifice. In this dis pensation we look back and are saved through faith in the sacrifice of Christ already accomplished. I do not understand the vision of the valley of dry bones as recorded in Ezek iel, chapter 37. Will you please enlighten me? Verses 11-14 of this chapter explain the vision which God gave to Ezekiel. The whole passage speaks of the national resurrection of Israel. They have long been buried, as a nation, in many coun tries of the world. The remarkable prog ress of the Zionist Movement during the past few years is one of the most significant “ signs of the times,” all of which point to the return of Christ to the earth to reign. It has been our privilege to see fulfillment of prophecy in the establishment of the Nation of Israel in this our day. When Christ does come, then Ezekiel 37 will be literally fulfilled. Are infants and young children who die saved? Yes, all infants including stillborn babies, and young children who have not reached the age of accountability at death, go immediately into the presence of God. Christ died for “the world” ; His atonement provides for these little ones. THE K I NG ' S BUS I NESS
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When Christ translates the church will the unsaved living on the earth know it? There is nothing in the Scripture to indicate that they will know what has taken place. Certainly they will miss loved ones and friends. To the godless world the translation of the church will doubtless be as a “ seven-days’ wonder.” Then the Antichrist will be revealed, and his actions will so occupy the minds of unregenerate men that many will soon forget what shall have transpired in the rapture of the church—so blinded will they be by Satan. However let it be remembered that there will be the martyred remnant of believers during the tribulation period, those who will accept the message of the 144,000 Jews, God’s messengers on earth during that dark time. Is the Holy Spirit an influence? I al ways believed Him to be a Person, but our pastor speaks of Him as impersonal. The Holy Spirit is not just an influ ence, though rationalistic theologians and various cults so describe Him. The Word of God makes it plain that He is a Person, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and with the Son. Moreover, the Revised Version of our English Bible always translates the pronoun re ferring to Him as “He” or “Him”— never “ it.” So does the Authorized Ver sion, except in one or two passages, where the translation is not as accurate as the Revised Version. Our Lord re peatedly called the Holy Spirit a Person, especially in His farewell message to the disciples in John 14-16. Read these chapters to find the verses for yourself. The entire New Testament is full of many references to the Holy Spirit of God showing that He is one with the Father and the Son. What is meant in Ephesians 6:12 by “spiritual wickedness” ? How can any wickedness be “ spiritual” ? The apostle is not using the word “spiritual” to mean something to be de sired, pertaining to the Holy Spirit; but rather to describe the power of Satan and his hosts. The devil is a fallen angel. (Read Isaiah 14:12-17; Ezekiel 28:12- 19.) As such he is a spirit-being. Man is “ flesh and blood,” and therefore un equally matched against his adversary,
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