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Dr. Walter L. Wilson
Endeavor and Other Young People's Groups
Helps for Christian
He Began Our Sanctification 1 Cor. 1:30
January 1, 1950 In the Beginning God Gen. 1:1-3; John 1:1-4
Our Lord knew that there would be nothing in us nor about us that would commend us to Him for His service or His fellowship. He, therefore, found a way that we might he hidden in Christ and thus made acceptable. He devised a plan whereby we could marry His Son by faith and trust and be set apart for His family with all its privileges and du ties. Christ Jesus alone is able to trans form us and make us vessels of honor and channels of blessing to those with whom we associate daily. We are only fit subjects for God’s service as we be long to Jesus Christ. He Began Our Preservation Heb. 1:3 We cannot begin a species or inaugu rate a new kind of life. Only God can de vise and execute a plan whereby every living thing reproduces itself. Because of this miracle, wheat produces wheat, cows produce calves, tomatoes produce toma toes. Thus our blessed Lord continues to give us new things each year and He only can cause this miracle to happen. What a wonderful lover He is! He Began All Knowledge John 17:3 Where there is no Christ and no Bible, the human mind is ignorant, sluggish, and dull. All the great inventions of our day have been produced in the countries where Christ is somewhat honored and the Bible is loved and read. Godliness and salvation and Christianity enable the mind to delve into secrets that are hidden to the heathen. The Holy Spirit, who with the Father and the Son, made the brain, is best able to make it efficient. January 8, 1959 I Believe in God the Father Matt. 5:16; 6:8,9; John 14:10,11 The Scripture does not anywhere sug gest nor support the idea that God is the Father of all mankind. God’s Word dis tinctly and clearly and emphatically states that the opposite is true. The gos-
It is quite fitting that at the beginning of the year we should begin at the begin ning of the Scriptures. In simple words, |few in number, God tells us all we need to know in regard to the beginning of creation. He made the 96 known chemical elements. He decided how they were to combine to form the essence of life. He arranged certain ones to combine and be life-giving while He arranged others to combine and remain inanimate. Our God is wonderful! He Began Our Salvation John 3:3 As the natural creation came from the mind and hand of God, so salvation had its beginning, its conception and its in ception, from the mind and the heart of our lovely Lord. He planned that human beings are to be saved through the death, the resurrection, and the life of His own Son. He chose a way for sinners to live with Him, the sinless One. He made pos sible salvation by grace alone and trans formation by the gift of His own nature. What a wonderful Saviour!
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