King's Business - 1949-12

pel reveals the way whereby any person may become a child of God without price, without merit, without payment. In every instance, the Scripture teaches that men are lost and in their sins until Christ Jesus is received by faith and is permit­ ted to be the Lord and the Saviour of the soul. We must refute universalism be­ cause it is untrue. We Become God’s Children by the Act of Faith Gal. 3:26 No person is a child of God until he receives the Son of God. No person has the divine nature until he receives it as a gift from the precious Saviour who is able to save to the uttermost. No one has access to God until he comes through the precious blood of Christ for cleans­ ing and forgiveness. We are not born with a divine nature. We are born with a human nature. We must be born again if we would enter God’s family. We must be “ adopted” else we shall forever re­ main outside. Our character and our con­ duct must be changed by Christ Jesus. Satan Is the Father of the Unsaved John 8:44 The Lord spoke very plainly on this subject. He did not speak in ambiguous or equivocal terms. A person’s actions reveal his nature. Some are called “ chil­ dren of disobedience” ; some are called “ children of the night” ; and some “ chil­ dren of wrath.” They are said to be “without God and without hope.” Let us not deceive these people by telling them that they are God’s children. They cer­ tainly are not. They may be saved if they will accept Christ Jesus and be born again. We Enter Into God’s Family by the New Birth John 3:7 By our first birth we receive the na­ ture of our father and mother. By -our second birth which must be from above and by the Holy Spirit, we receive God’s nature. With His nature, we have the capacity for understanding God and feel­ ing at home with Him. We are enabled to think His thoughts and to enter hap­ pily into His program. With this new nature, we see the things of this life through God’s eyes. We weigh the things of life in view of eternity. God Will Be a Real Father 2 Cor. 6:18 Christianity is not a phantasy or a theory, but a genuine experience of hap­ py relationship between God the Father and His child. Those who receive Christ Jesus, through the teaching of the Holy Spirit in and by the Word of God, be­ come children of God at once and im­ mediately enjoy the sweet relationship of “ a father up above looking down in tender love.” This Father with all power and with loving-kindness cares for His children in a bountiful and gracious way. We may expect Him to hear and answer our cries.

--------------------------- --------------------- ---------------y Suggested by the American Bible Society

Thanksgiving, Nov. 24. . .................Psalms 23 Universal Bible Friday ........

Sunday, Dec. I I . . . ...II Chronicles 7:11-18

Saturday .. . . ............... Psalms 103 Monday .................. .................John 4:1-14 Sunday, Nov. 27......... .................Isaiah 35 Tuesday ................. ..............Luke 10:25-37 Monday . . . . ............... Romans 12 Wednesday ............ ........Matthew 25:31-46 Tuesday .. . . .................Isaiah 55 Thursday ................ ............ Exodus 20:1 ¡7 Wednesday . ........1 Corinthians 13 Friday .................... ...........Matthew 6:5-15 Thursday, Dec. 1......... .................. John 14 Saturday ............... ......... Pselms 119:33-4* Friday ....... .................Psalms 8 Sunday, Dec. 18...... .................John 1:1-14 Saturday . . . ........Revelation 1:1-7 Monday ................. ...........Matthew 5:1-12 Sunday, Dec. 4 ........... ...........II Timothy 2 Tuesday ............ ................. Isaiah 9:2-7 Monday . . . . ............ Micah 6:1-8 Wednesday ......... .. ...........Romans 8:12-39 Tuesday .... ...........Acts 17:16-34 Thursday ................. 1 Corinthians 15:35-58 Wednesday . ......Revelation 22:1-7 Thursday . . . ..............John 3:1-17 F rid ay .................... ....................Isaiah 40 F rid ay........ 1Thessalonians 5:12-28 Saturday ............... ....................Isaiah 53 Saturday .... ..............Mark 4:1-20 Christmas, Dec. 25. . . . ..................... Luke 2

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