King's Business - 1949-12

A college preparatory high school now occupying its own spacious campus. Accredited by the North Central Asso­ ciation and by the University o f Illinois.

January 15, 1950 I Believe in Jesus Christ Matt. 1:21; Mark 1:9-11; Acts 16:23-21; 1 Tim. 1:15 The faith that saves the soul is a very particular kind of faith. It is a faith that links the person with the Prince of Peace by a living bond. It is not an assent to certain facts. It is not a confession that certain truth exists. It must be a per­ sonal application to the soul of the Per­ son and work of God’s Son so that the one who trusts Him is joined to Christ as the arm is joined to the body or the limb is joined to the tree. By this living union the life of the Saviour flows into the believing and trusting person. One May Believe That Christ Exists and Be Lost Acts 1:25 Judas left his occupation to follow Jesus. He believed that it was a good money-making venture. He saw that gifts were given to Christ without labor and that those who accompanied Him shared in the funds. He, therefore, took advantage of the situation to become the treasurer of the group and obtain the money necessary for his family. But he was lost. He never made Christ Jesus his own Lord and Saviour but only an accommodation. This is fatal. This is spiritual suicide. One May Believe That Christ Was a Miracle Worker and Be Lost Matt. 7:22 The characters in this story were greatly occupied with the wonderful works of Christ. They followed Him; they advertised His miracles; they told others that they were His disciples; they sat at the communion table; they at­ tended His church, and did many fine, charitable works—but they were lost. They were left outside the door. They had never applied to the Saviour with loving hearts to make Him their personal Lord and Redeemer. They wanted His service but not His person. This, too, is fatal. One May Believe in Christ’s Greatness and Still Be Lost Luke 13:26 The friends in this story were af­ fected by the majesty, beauty, and won­ ders of Christ Jesus. They were seeking to earn their way into His home by ac­ knowledging His beauty and the won­ ders of His life. They were occupied with what He could do rather than who He was. They wanted to live with Him in His eternal home without ever having trusted Him with their souls. They were occupied with religious observances and Christian enterprises and charity pro­ grams but they were not in love with the Lamb of God. They were lost. One Must Belong to Christ Personally 1 John 5:12 In the marriage service where true love exists, the woman believes in the man and proves it by trusting herself, her life, her affairs, her body, to the T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


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President Joseph M. Steele General Secretary Rev. Victor Buksbazen


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Treasurer for Canada: Rev. Bruce Millar, B.A., B.D. 1066 Avenue Road, Toronto 12, Ontario, Canada. ■


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