January 29, 1950 G od Designs
The Spirit Is to Be Loved and Trusted 2 Cor. 13:14 The communion of the Holy Spirit is best understood when we are assured and convinced that He is a real person with whom we may converse and hold sweet fellowship. Unless He becomes a person to our hearts and minds, we shall never feel free to have fellowship with Him nor to give Him any place in the life. If He has come to comfort us, we should confide in Him. If He has come to teach us, we should inquire of Him. If he has come to guide us, we should trust in Him.
NEW BEAUTIFUL GOSPEL TRACTS Ridhly lithographed in 4 colors. Nothing com parable. Send 10c today for samples of 4-color tracts, or 25c for packet of all available titles, both lithographed and letter press (1-color) Gospel Tracts. Clear, short, appealing messages . . . the kind of tracts folks will receive, read and heed. Get your samples now. BOOK AND BIBLE ROOM P. O. Box 35-K Hesston, Kansas CHRISTIANS SHOULD buy Bibles, Commentaries, Christian Books, Devotional Books, Bookmarks, Cards, and some good Christian gifts for their friends. Write us for one of our catalogs. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St., Los Angeles 13, Calif.
John 1:3,10; Rom. 11:33-36; Col. 1:16,17 When God decided to make grapevines and elephants and water, and oak leaves, and wheat grains, and alligators, He asked for no advice from us. He did not call us into consultation about what color to give strawberries or what taste to give bananas or what shape to make the octopus or what fragrance to give the lilies. He designed all of these things Himself. He planned the shape and size o f the human body. He did not need our wonderful brains. God Designed Our Salvation John 3:16 There are many needs for the human soul. We need our sins blotted out and the guilt removed. We need a robe of righteousness to hide our nakedness. We need a new nature whereby we may un derstand God and be fit for His presence. All of this and much more God designed when He gave His Son to be our Re deemer. The whole plan came from His heart for we would never have thought nor could we have known God’s require ments. He met the demands and then He planned the way to fulfill those demands. God Designed Our Preservation Heb. 1:3 God Himself arranged the rotation of the earth on its axis so we could have day and night. He Himself planned the movement of the earth in its orbit around the sun so we could have summer and winter. He Himself designed the peculiar separator system in our bodies so that good food enters the blood and poisonous or useless matter is thrown off. He de signed lungs to separate oxygen from poisonous gases. He planned the heart that would beat for many years without assistance. He upholds all things all by Himself. God Designed Creation Rev. 4:11 Through the wonderful kindness and grace o f God we enjoy the blessings of life. Those delightful experiences we have day by day with the human king dom, the animal kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, and the mineral kingdom, also the celestial kingdom were never de signed for us. They were made for the enjoyment of God as we are told in this passage. We only receive them by infinite grace. We enjoy them because of His great kindness. He created the sweet things and the sour, the hard things and the soft, the bright things and the dark. He is a wonderful Creator. God Designed Damnation Matt. 25:41 Human beings care little about sin. Human minds would like to have God handle sin as they want it handled. Hu man beings would like for God to have the same attitude towards sin that they have. This is futile. God’s Word reveals that there is a terrible hell followed by the terrible lake of fire. The lips of our lovely Saviour spoke of the terrible wrath of God against those who refuse to accept His salvation. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
1 9 5 0 TORRE¥ MEMORIAL, BIBLE CONFERENCE This year the Bible Institute Torrey Memorial Bible Conference will convene earlier than usual, January 1-8. Speakers include: H. A. Ironside, formerly pastor of Moody Church; R. R. Brown, Omaha Gospel Tabernacle; J. S. Baxter, Charlotte Baptist Chapel, Edinburgh, Scotland; Herbert Lockyer, formerly of London, England, and Clarence Jones, of Radio Station HCJB, Quito, Ecuador. Sessions will be held in the auditorium of the Bible Institute and the Church of the Open Door, 4th and Hope Street, Los Angeles, in the First Brethren Church, Long Beach, C. W. Mayes, pastor, and the Lincoln Avenue Presbyterian Church, Pasadena, J. R. McCullough, pastor. For further information write Dr. W. W. Orr, Director. 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. ........................... OPPORTUNITYis at your door with “SIX” RIOLA DAY SCH001 CREDIT COURSES RY CORRESPONDENCE If You Are Contemplating Attending Biola NOW Is the Time to Begin
CHAPTER SUMMARY—Old Testament: 29 lessons—29 examinations. New Testament: 12 lessons—12 examina tions. A synthetic study. Comprehensive knowledge of each book and chapter. 2 CREDITS ADVANCED DOCTRINE— 2t0 lessons—11 examinations— 40 chapters. A study of Bible Doctrine by R. A. Torrey; each chapter an outline in itself. 4 CREDITS CHILD EVANGELISM—9 lessons—9 examinations. Mate rial written by outstanding) Christian workers; over 200 pages of material; theoretical and practical. 2 CREDITS BIBLE GEOGRAPHY—16 lessons—6 examinations. 128 pages, fascinating yet educational; including 12 maps of O.T. Geography and 18 maps of N.T. Geography. 2 CREDITS NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS—16 lessons—16 quizzes— 2 examinations. A comparative study of the Non-Chris tian religions of the world. 2 CREDITS BIBLE BEGINNERS* COURSE—li tions. Simple doctrine course. 2 CREDITS SPECIAL FREE OFFER with Enrollment lessons—6 examina-
WRITE for prospectus describing these six credit courses and thirteen others.
With any $5.00 course, or any two of the other courses is given the “ CHRISTIAN WORKERS’ EFFICIENCY COURSE”—what the young preacher or church worker needs to assist him.
CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL, THE BIBLE INSTITUTE of LOS ANGELES, Inc. 558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, California Page Twenty-two
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