King's Business - 1949-12

Holy Spirit, believers were to be “bap-- tized” into the new body, the church. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the only way by which believers are admit­ ted into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13). Jesus also told His disciples on this occasion, in answer to their query, that they were not to know the date of the establishment of His kingdom (w . 6, 7). Instead of dabbling in dates, they were to give themselves to world-wide witnessing (v. 8). Thus He set forth the program for the church during this dispensation. Ascension into Heaven vv. 9-11 His work finished in connection with His first coming, Jesus went back to heaven. But when the time is right “ this same Jesus” will return to earth to complete a further ministry. The Waiting Time vv. 12-14 In these verses the disciples are found in obedience to the Word of their Lord. They were waiting for the promise of the coming Spirit in prayer and sup­ plication. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was among the group (v. 14), not be­ ing prayed to, as so many seek to do today, but in the attitude of prayer her­ self, realizing her need of the Saviour. We do not need to pray today for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We have that once for all when we become Chris­ tians. But'again and again we need to seek fresh infillings.

Pointers on the Lesson, H omer A. K ent , T h .D. Helps for the Children, A llison A rrowood

Lesson material is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.

Jan. 1, 1950 THE CONTINUING BAND OF DISCIPLES Acts 1:1-14 Pointers on the Lesson

dreamy unreality, no phantom appear­ ing now and then. “ Infallible proofs” were presented to the disciples which served to put courage in their blood for the hard trials ahead. Furthermore, the Lord Jesus told of the coming of the Holy Spirit not many days after His de­ parture. This blessed Spirit was to come at a definite time just as Jesus Himself was born into the world at a definite time (Gal. 4:4). In connection with the coming of the

With the new year we begin a series of lessons in the book of Acts. The title of the bopk is not altogether accurate. It is not really the Acts of the Apostles for it does not actually deal with the Apostles. In fact, very few of the twelve are even mentioned. The book is largely limited to the ministries of Peter and Paul, the latter not being one of the original twelve at all. In ancient times, the book was known as “ The Gospel of the Holy Spirit” and “ The Gospel of the Resurrection.” Now it is often called “ The Acts of the Holy Spirit.” All of these titles are more accurate than the one commonly given to it. However, a still more appropriate title would prob­ ably be, “ The Acts of the Ascended and Glorified Lord.” Introductory Message vv. 1, 2 Comparing these verses with Luke 1:1-3, we see that the “former treatise” referred to in our lesson was Luke’s Gospel. In that Gospel, Luke had given a careful account of what Jesus “began” to do for men in the way of work and teaching. In Luke’s Gospel as well as in the other three Gospels, we have pre­ sented the record of the life of Jesus in the flesh—what He began to do; in Acts there is presented the record of His life in the Spirit—what He con­ tinued and still continues to do. As Robert Lee of England says, “ This is the only unfinished book in the Bible. Note how abruptly it closes. How else could it close? How can there be a com­ plete account of a person’s life and work so long as he lives! And the Lord Jesus still lives!” Ministry Between Resurrection and Ascension vv. 3r8 During the period immediately follow­ ing His resurrection, Christ spent some time and effort making it perfectly clear to those who had a heart for Him, that He was truly a risen Saviour. He was no figment of the imagination, no D E C E M B E R , 1949


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