King's Business - 1949-12

Soulwmim hymnsums AWClnliUC r i u n ì Co

loyalty had taken hold upon them, a “ singleness of heart” that owed allegi­ ance to none other but the Lord Jesus Christ (v. 46). An adoring attitude to God and a wholesome influence among the people was also characteristic among these people (v. 47a). There was also the daily addition of the saved to the church (v. 47b). This was done by the Lord Himself. No mere man ever added a single name to the true church roll. Only God can do this. The spiritual state of the early church is further reflected in Acts 4: 31-35. It was shaken as a result of its mighty praying (v. 31), Spirit-filled (v. 31), bold in testimony (w.31 and 33), and possessed with the bond of unity (v. 32a). How does the present-day church measure up to the spiritual condition of the beginning days of the church? Social Results There was present in this early church a kind of Christian socialism (2:44; 4:32b). This was a provision for times which were peculiarly precarious. Judgment had been predicted upon Je­ rusalem. The keeping of property seem­ ed senseless. This communism did not in any way resemble that advocated in many quarters of the world today. It was limited to the Christian company; the unsaved world was not included. It was founded on love for one another, as brethren in Christ. It cannot be com­ pared with the communism that stems from Russia. The disciples were, not commanded to perpetuate this order; it was to meet a temporary emergency. All believers were aided according to their particular needs out of the com­ mon treasury (2:45; 4:34,35). Devotion to the Lord and to His cause impelled the disciples to do this. How does our love for Him compare with theirs? Helps for the Children How Friends of Jesus Lived Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-35 Memory Verse: “ And all that believed were together . . . praising God, and having favour with all the people” (Acts 2:44-47). After Peter had preached his great sermon, the new Christians faithfully worshiped and served their new Lord. They lived happily together and helped one another to know Him better. Others noticed their different way of living. Many wanted to learn more about a Saviour who could so completely change the lives and the habits of their friends and relatives. The Holy Spirit gave the apostles power to do signs and wonders and to perform many miracles. These early Christians sold all that they had and gave to each Christian ac­ cording to his need. Each day they wor­ shiped together in the temple and then ate in one another’s homes. There was no difficulty or quarreling among them; they praised God and had favor with all the people. Each day the Lord added to the church those who should be saved. How different is the story of the early Christians from that of many groups of Christians living today! In T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S



Three young men won to Christ at one serv­ ice. Each slide produced after much prayer and study of God’s word.

(HI) Faith of Our Fathers. 9 Double Frame Pictures. (H2) TheChurch’sOneFoundation.12DoubleFramePictures. , (H3) Yield Not to Temptation. 15 Double Frame Pictures. (H4) Rescue the Perishing. 12 Double Frame Pictures. (H5) Rock of Ages. 12 Double Frame Pictures. (H6) Dare to be a Daniel. 12 Double Frame Pictures. (HT) Throw Out the Life Line. 12 DoubleFrame Pictures. (H8) HarktheHeraldAngelsSing.12DoubleFramePictures. (H9) Onward-Christian Soldiers 12 Double Frame Pictures.

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It Jfappened -- Whem the Star appeared imthe East Over 1949 years ago, the three Wise Men followed a bright star that appeared in the East. In a manger at Bethlehem they found our Saviour had been born. The world reverberated with the glorious words, “ Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men”.

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