King's Business - 1949-12

many churches there are arguments and quarrels ; some members do not speak to other members. Those who are rich ignore those who are poor. Each mem­ ber thinks only of himself. Such groups of Christians surely grieve our Lord. If you belong to such a church, study this chapter of Acts carefully, asking the Holy Spirit to make you one in Him.

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Jan. 22, 1950 THE FIRST CHRISTIAN MARTYR Acts 6:8-15; 7:54-60 Pointers on the Lesson

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This world is foreign to grace, and is in violent opposition to all that is of God. It is not to be thought strange therefore that soon after the early church came into being, persecutions took place. That holy institution and the individuals who composed it were almost immediately met by the forces of dark­ ness. The situation is no different to­ day. Wherever the cause of God is rep­ resented, Satan is present to seek to thwart its progress. The lesson this week brings us face to face with the first of that long train of martyrs who laid down their lives for the cause of Christ through the centuries. Stephen, a Full Man 6:8, 10, 15 As we read this chapter, we are im­ pressed with the fullness of Stephen’s life. He was an overflowing Christian. The verses preceding those assigned for particular study at this time call atten­ tion to this fact. See verses 3 and 5. Verse 8 shows him full of faith. This faith, of course, was based upon the Word of God (Rom. 10:17). Stephen believed what God said, and was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The word used here is the one from which we derive our word “ dynamite.” Every Christian has the same power to witness for Christ (1:8). In those days before the New Testament was written, Ste­ phen was given the power to work mira­ cles. Verse 10 acquaints us with the fact that Stephen was also full of wisdom and of the Holy Spirit. Compare v. 3. He is also described as being full of angelic beauty (v. 15). He radiated the life of God that was within him. Every­ one could see the stamp of heaven upon his face. What do folks see in your countenance? Stephen, a Persecuted Man 6:9, 11-14 Certain enemies of Christ, doubtless Jews who hated anything connected with the cause of Christ, engaged Stephen in disputation but Stephen was able to refute their every argument. Then these enemies induced evil men to speak blasphemous lies against him. They stir­ red up the people and all the religious leaders until finally Stephen was ap­ prehended and brought into the council to undergo a mock trial. It was at this time that God so possessed his soul that even amidst all the false charges leveled against him his face shone like that of D E C E M B E R , I 94 9

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