THE GOSPEL BEHIND THE IRON CERTAIN AND IN ISRAELI-PALESTINE The General Director of the AMERICAN EURO PEAN BETHEL MISSION INC., Dr* Rosenberg, recently returned, from a visit to our MISSION STATIONS in EASTERN-WESTERN EUROPE and ISRAELI-PALESTINE. HE HAS A STORY THRILLING, SOLEMN and INSTRUCTIVE illustrated by colored moving pictures and slides. The Lord is carrying out His purpose. The fields are ripe for the “ Harvest.” POLAND IS OPEN FOR THE GOSPEL In spite of conditions prevailing there politically, our Missionaries enjoy the LORD’S BLESSING in their activities. FREEDOM OF RELIGION IN ISRAELI and the urgent need for the GOSPEL THERE encouraged us to open in JERUSALEM a MISSION STATION in addition to the one we have in HAIFA. The HOLY LAND IS NOW AN EXCEEDINGLY IMPORTANT FIELD FOR A DECISIVE GOSPEL TESTIMONY AMONG THE JEWS. The Fig Tree Is Budding—The “ Dry Bones” Are Assembling—The Time Is Short WE MUST NOW make use of the TREMENDOUS OPPORTUNITIES and SPLENDID POSSIBILITIES JEWS there already realize that returning to the homeland—they are still FAR FROM SALVA TION which they need—that the SOIL of the LAND can not satisfy their SOUL. OUR DUAL TASK COUPLED with the faithful proclamation of GOD’S PLAN OF SALVATION by word and in print we, following in the FOOTSTEPS OF OUR LORD who went about helping the needy and preaching the Word, endeavor also to ad minister relief especially to those of the HOUSE HOLD OF FAITH. THE NEED AMONG HEBREW CHRISTIANS IS APPALLING Those who survived the Nazi horrors, reaching the LAND from the D. P. Camps are utterly dependent upon the LORD through Christian help. Their position as HEBREW CHRISTIANS, a minority in the State of Israeli and living in ex clusively Jewish communities who do not believe in Christ, is extremely difficult. WE MUST HELP THEIR WIDOWS AND THEIR ORPHANS We feel earnestly constrained by the DIVINE INJUNCTION of II Corinthians 8 and 9, to pre sent to our CHRISTIAN FRIENDS this urgent NEED and ask for PRAYER and SYMPATHETIC CO-OPERATION. WE MUST NOT FAIL THEM. Christian organizations wishing to have first hand information about Palestine may contact THE AMERICAN EUROPEAN BETHEL MISSION, INC. Headquarters: 252 N. Dillon Street Los Angeles 26, Calif. GIST of theLESSON half a century of leadership. 1950 By R.A. Torrey Insist on the ORIGINAL. Fifty years’ supremacy. Never equalled. Condensed thought. Digest and text of lesson. Full exposition. Other f eatures. Cloth Bound 60£ Postpaid f. H. REVELl CO., 158-5th Ave., Hew York 10 ST U D Y T H E T A B E R N A C L E IN T H E W IL D E R N E S S : This book contains the finest study material on this rich subject ever produced. Complete with illustrations of altars, boards and tabernacle enclosures. Sane and scriptural. Twenty-five cents (25c), stamps or silver, brings a copy for your examination. Address Box U. T H E U N IO N B IB L E ST U D Y A SSO C IA T IO N 2635 Lenape Road Philadelphia 31, U.S.A. Have Your Eyes Examined Now! DR. W LA VERN SALTER DR. JOHN WM. SALTER Optometrists 226 Story Bldg. 610 So. Broadway Los Angeles 14, Calif. TUcker 4855 Serving Bible Institute students and instructors since 1926
Illustrated by Gladys Bowman Jan. 8, 1950 P ow e r for E v e r y H our Objects: A fountain pen, an ordi nary pen and a bottle of ink. Lesson: Did you know that pens are like people? You see, a pen is an instrument in the hands of its owner, with which a message may be written. Very important messages have been written with pens. Pens have been used to place signatures on treaties and con tracts. Christians, like pens, should be yielded instruments in the hand of God, in order that they may be used of Him. Both of these pens are yielded to my hand, but they are different, even as Christians are different. In what way do these pens differ? “ One has to be dipped often, and the other is a fountain pen.” You are right. All Christians are sup posed to give forth God’s message when ever they have an opportunity. Some do this only when they have recently been fed by a sermon or a Bible lesson. At other times they are dry and cannot be used to give out God’s message. Other Christians are like a fountain pen. They are filled and ready at all times to be used of God. These pens remind me of the disciples. There were times when they would fol low Christ closely, and at other times they followed Him afar off. Peter at one time confessed Christ as the Son of God, but later denied Him. These things took place before the day of Pentecost, when they were filled with the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:1-4, “ And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound
Rev. Elmer L. Wilder Jan. 1, 1950 A D ove F rom A bove
Objects: A red cardboard cross, a dove cut from tin, and a piece of card board about a yard square. (Round the corners and shape the cardboard to represent a cloud. A few lines with a blue crayon will give a realistic appear ance. Run a thread two yards long through a screw eye near the top of the cardboard, and fasten- one end to the cross and the other end to the dove.)
Lesson: It is always hard to say “ Good-by” to a friend. The disciples were very sad when they were told that the Lord Jesus must go away. He told them that It was best for Him to go in order that the Holy Spirit might come and comfort their sad hearts. We will let this little red cross repre sent Christ. This cloud will remind us of heaven, where Christ was going. You remember that He said: “ If I de part, I will send him [the Holy Spirit] unto you.” (As the hand holds the card board cloud, one finger can prevent the tin dove from falling too soon. The dove, being heavier than the cross, will pull the cross up as the dove comes down. Retard the process with a little pres sure on the thread at the screw eye.) When Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan, the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove. In Acts 1:9 we read, “ And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.” As the cross, representing Christ, goes up, a bright and shining dove appears, reminding us of the Holy Spirit who is in the world in an invisible form. Jesus Christ sent the Holy Spirit to earth in order that Christians might be comforted and also that He might bring sinners to Christ. If you have never accepted Christ as Saviour, the Holy Spirit is working with you to get you to be saved.
from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.” T H E K 1 N G / S B U S I N E S S
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