From this time on, the disciples would be different. Peter would never again deny his Lord. The Holy Spirit indwells each Christian, but there is a need for His infilling, in order that His followers may be ready to give forth His message at all times. Jan. 15, 1950 W orship or W arship Objects: A large piece of cardboard on which the word “ WORSHIP” is printed, the picture of a church and the picture of a battleship. (Hinge a flap above the “ O” on which an “ A” is printed. When this flap is brought for ward, covering the “ 0 ” “ WORSHIP” is changed to “WARSHIP.” )
16P Holman Jewel with Psalms. For merly $1.55. Now................... 15P Holman Jewel with Psalms. For merly $1.25. Now... .............................$1.00 Religious Christmas Greeting Cards. Best stock available. 21-card boxes, each.................................$1.00 Messenger Doehla Shepherds Town Cora Bradlee Artistic (exceptional) Sunshine DeLuxe Sunshine Economy (31 cards) Sunshine, 10 cards......................................60 Messenger, 12 cards..................................50 Countryside, 12 cards................................50 Give Me Thy Vineyard by Guy Howard, the Ozark County Novel prize winner ............................................. $3.00 I Shall Dwell by Ruby Grimes.................—,............... . 2.50 A Land 1 Will Show Thee by Marian Schoolland............................... 2.50 Withering Grass by Bernard Palmer................................... 2.00 $1.20 CHRISTIAN FICTION
BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS — Always a Good Gift (Subject to stock'on hand)
Bibles • King James, de luxe leather, India paper, references, concordance, maps, center references, 250 pages of helps —a beautiful Holman Bible (an $11.00 value). Special ........................... .............$8.00 • Persian Morocco, gold edges, family record, India paper, reading course, • Bible atlas, references—wonderful Nel son Bibles for gifts (a $10.50 value)..$7.75 • French Morocco limp leather, gold edges, measures 5% x 7%, large print, simplified pronunciation ($7.00 value). Choice Holman children’s Bible..........$5.00 • French Morocco with leather lining, gold edges, 60,000 references, large print though smaller Bible. Wonder ful Holman Bible for Christmas giv ing (a $7.75 value). Now......................$5.50 Testaments Christian Workers Testament outlined, marked. Wonderful for Christian workers. Persian Morocco. Pocket size. Formerly $5.00. Now........,.........$3.85
Lesson: In my hand I hold the pic ture of a church and the word “ WOR SHIP.” Churches should be built in order that Christians may have a place in which to worship God. One of the best examples of the true worship of God is found in the Book of Acts. We read, “ And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles” (2:42,43). Acts 4:32,33, “ And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and one soul . . . And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon all.” Fellowship was one of the remark able things in the early church. Acts 2:46,47 “ And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” The church was no ticed by all people when the Christians worshiped God and had fellowship. Notice how easily this word “WOR SHIP” can be changed. The changing of the “ 0 ” to an “ A” makes “WAR SHIP” out of the word “ WORSHIP.” When we see the word “ WARSHIP” it suggests conflict and fighting. Here is a picture to remind us of the Word. Christians' cannot at the same time be worshiping God and preparing to fight. This is true of nations too. If the na tions of earth were busily engaged in worshiping God, there would be no need for their building warships. It is much better to worship and have fellowship, than it is to have hatred and fighting in the church and among the nations. DECEMBER , 1949
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