King's Business - 1949-12

world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” And the cross began to understand. “ This is wonderful,” he whispered. “ I’m part of a miracle. In all my dreams I never thought to point to God this way. This is better than all my plan­ ning.” And so it was. For hundreds of trees have stood on the hillslopes through the years but not one of them has ever been able to point a man to God. Only the cross of Calvary can do that. And out on the hillside all the trees of the forest bowed their heads and thanked God, be­ cause their brother, the cross, had known fulfillment. There you have it, children—the stony of God’s trees. Every one of them re­ ceived its wish, but each at God’s ap­ pointed time, in God’s appointed way, and only through Jesus Christ. Do you have any wishes, children? God will grant you your hearts’ desire, too, but only through Jesus Christ. There are no wishes worth having outside of Jesus.

If you will invite Him'into the stable of your heart, He will make of its lowly manger a cradle for the King; if you will turn over to Him the empty vessel of your life, He will fill it with such a cargo of blessing that you will scarcely be able to hold it; if you will deny your­ self daily and take up your cross and follow Him, He will make of you some one to point to God. Would you like that? 3 Great Tracts B eyon d the M a n g e r "’Oc oer TOC

G O D 'S TREES (Continued from Page 12) of a miracle. This is better than all my planning.” And out on the hillside, all the trees of the forest clapped their hands be­ cause their brother, the boat, had known fulfillment. The weeks went by, and again men came to the forest to cut down the third little tree—the one that had wanted just to stand on a hill and point to God. He was most unhappy. “ I do not want to go into the valley,” he thought. “Why couldn’t men leave me alone?” But men did not leave the little tree alone. They tore away its branches; they cut into its bark, and, deeper, into its very heart. They hewed it apart and put it together again, in the form of a rude cross. The little tree quivered through all -of its being. “This is terrible,” it whispered. “ They are going to hang some one upon me. Oh, I never wanted this to happen to me. To think that I must take part in a crucifixion—I who only wanted to point to God! This is awful.” But God, who loves little trees, said, “ Wait, I will show you something.” And He'did. For:' One day, outside Jerusalem, a great multitude gathered. In their midst was Jesus, and beside Him was the cross. “ And as they led him away, they laid hold upon one Simon, a Cyre- nian, coming out of the country, and on him they laid the cross, that he might bear it after Jesus , . . And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him.” Tile cross shuddered beneath its weight of agony and shame. Then sud­ denly a miracle happened. “ Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. “ And, behold, the veil o f the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent. “ Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.” The little tree that had become a cross heard, floating down from the heavenly places, the- echo of a remem­ bered promise: “Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this E l * Haveyour dealer shown themde varietyof vSÎZf dmithappomtmeatsfleprod WKCOMPKTE CiTAlOfi SE1ÏDin SUDBURYBRASS GOODS I Si sm urar sietet , ««« m V ' • “ SI01V 1-t, MASS

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