Canadian Mounties! We took quinine to ward off malaria; we hope we haven’t any of it in our systems. But we are most thankful for this experience. It was worth infinitely more than a few blisters and discomforts to see those dark-skin ned examples of the transforming grace of God, and to hear them pray and sing and testify of their salvation. Certainly we will pray for pioneer missionaries as we never have before. This little taste of their life has given us a deeper understanding of their con flicts. We trust that the pictures we have taken will move young people all over this land to put their lives at the dis posal of the Lord to send them into these jungles to win other thousands of these benighted souls for Him. “ The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.” We are off to India; keep praying for us! CU R DEUS H O M O ? ( Continued from Page 9) above all the religious claimants of all time and of all places. He is our God! Man He was. His humanity is evident from the first infant cry to the cold corpse laid in the new tomb. His hunger, His weariness, His pain, His prayers, His suffering, and His death prove that He was man. And for His full and com plete humanity we thank God, for it makes Him completely our Redeemer, our Saviour, our Sin-bearer. So Christmas is theology. It speaks of the sin that man is lost in, and the eter nal judgment of the holiness of God upon us for it. It speaks of all the heartache, misery, pain, and suffering that attend human existence. Christmas also speaks of love. It speaks of the immeasurable compassion of God for the highest of creatures, the only one in the image of Himself. It speaks of willingness to sacrifice to the utmost possibility. Christmas speaks of Jesus Christ as God, who alone is pure, and holy, and free, to stand in the gap, so as to become Saviour and Redeemer. Christmas speaks of Jesus Christ as Man—the suffering One; the Man of sorrows; the Lamb of God. It points to the tears of Gethsemane, the blood of Calvary, the death of the tomb, the life of resurrection, and the glory of the ascension. Cur Deus Homo? Why did God become a man? Because I have sinned, and you have sinned. Because God loves and God cares. Because only a holy body could bear away the sins of the world. Because the only possibility for a holy body was the incarnation. That is why Christmas is theology. That is why theology became history at Bethlehem. Our God is a God of love, of redemption, of salvation. The full benefit of Christmas is a personal benefit. It is the blessedness that comes to each of us as we come and be lieve, and confess, and are saved—saved from all that demanded the incarnation —saved to all that the atonement won. I believe in a personal experience of salvation; then and only then is the full intent of the incarnation of God realized. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
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I S A W THE W ILD MEN OF BORNEO (Continued from Page 17)
would have been taking our heads in stead of our hands. What God hath wrought! We took many pictures, some good ones of Mr. Mouw pulling teeth. Can those Dyaks take it! He pulls out their molars without any anaesthetic, and there are no outcries of pain, either. The churches have been established in as nearly central locations as possible to serve all of. the longhouses. Consequent ly, some members have considerable dis tance to the services so on Saturday eve nings quite a procession starts out for the house of the Lord. Each family brings his own supplies and erects a lit tle bamboo shelter in the clearing about the church in which to sleep and prepare food. The church is the heart and soul of the Dyak Christian’s life. The Bethel Church, which is typical of all the Dyak churches, was constructed by two hundred Dyak Christians with out cost to their Mission. Made of bam boo bound by rattan, it is not unlike one of our park pavilions, although erected high off the ground. It contains no nails and no seats except two benches for the elders who assist in prayer and personal work. Dr. Bauman preached at the Saturday evening service with about five hundred present, the men sitting on one side of the church, the women on the other, and the children down in front. Although the service lasted for hours, the conduct of those children was beyond reproach. About thirty men responded to the in vitation. Decisions are not easy, for something is expected of them in the way of Christian living if they profess conversion. Most souls are saved through personal work of the Christians, and after the Dyaks accept Christ, they come to the services. That is the reason the church has grown to a membership of 4,000 in only 17 years of missionary work. Saturday night we stayed in a build ing near the church and very early Sun day morning we were awakened by the familiar gong calling us to morning prayer. The requests were given, and then everyone prayed aloud at the same time, their voices swelling to a great crescendo as they brought their burdens to the Lord. We were deeply impressed with their utter devotion to God, and their simple faith in Him. Sunday morning I preached at Pinto Elok, with Mr. Mouw interpreting (see cut). Monday we reached Lando Na- bung, a church only three weeks old, and a great contrast to those which have been established longer. We visited four stations, and wherever we went, we were astounded at what God had done through His servants. We longed to go on into the jungles where the unconverted head hunters still reside, but we did not have physically what it would have taken. Dr. Bauman’s blisters were pretty bad, and I had picked up a streptococcus infection in my ankle. We were covered with in sect bites; those mosquitoes are regular
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