King's Business - 1949-12



1950 JANUARY A 1950 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 9 30 31 • 3 ..¡«mi,. Ak'ul ''ITBH' mb « «

centered Based on the Bible uniform lesson outlines

provided by National Sunday School Association N ow — for the first time— your Sunday School can get ALL-BIBLE G R AD ED SERIES lessons planned for ADU LTS . This brand new lesson i series will maintain the same high standards that have made "ALL- \ BIBLE" famous in Sunday Schools across the land. j N o more struggling to adapt modernistic outlines in order to keep ' your teaching sound. Here are lessons, based on Bible-centered out­ lines. The altogether sound Uniform Bible Lesson Outlines are used as the foundation to this course because they assure you of a Bible- sound, Bible-centered, Christ-honoring curriculum . The strength of the lessons lies in the fact that all the basic doctrines of e va n ­ gelical Christianity are treated without comprom ise a nd with p ro pe r perspective. Redemption, Christian grow th and service for the Lord are stressed. Planned and prepared by outstanding Bible-believers D r. James DeForest Murch, present chairman of N .S .S .A . Uniform Bible Lesson Outline Comm ittee, heads a team of nine writers to assure you the best new A ll-B ible A d ult Lessons. The lesson outlines were launched by a committee composed of Dr. Clarence H . Benson, chairman, founder of the A ll-B ible G ra d e d Series and included such noted evangelicals as Bishop Leslie R. Marston, D r. Henrietta M ears, D r. H a rry A . Ironside, Dr. H. C . M ason, Dr. Robert M cQ uilken, Rev. Stanley H. Frodsham , Dr. R. H ^ — Fritsch, D r. H. H. S a va g e and Dr. James DeForest Murch. Clip a n d Se n d M e Janu ary Q uarter Them e —

Dr. E. J. Pace Poster Cartoons In Calendar Form A bi© 12 x 18 in. cartoon calendar with a dif­ ferent cartoon each month. Single copy, 35c; 3 copies, $1.00; 12 copies, $3.50; 25 copies, $6.75; 50 copies, $11.50. Dealers write for quantity discount FAITHFUL WORDS PUBLISHING CO.

2116 S. Jefferson Avenue

St. Louis 4, Mo.


¿ e t t e * from a rescued child to her American foster mother:

■thank the bo SUChnluervices mornings '°.m We study and work ungS' Z on Sundays. We y e x e e P 0” lw ish you ,e urne to t iaJ *JL àu )happy we are.


Portraits of Christ in the Gospel of John

Topics • The Lamb of God • The Miracle Worker • The Souiwinner • The Rewardec of Faith • The Great Physician • The Bread of Life • The Water of Life • The Light of the World •The Good Shepherd • The Life-giver • Jesus and His Friends • The Servant King • The Great Teacher • The Dying Saviour • The Risen Master

Please send me the packet contain­ ing FREE information and FREE samples (teacher's and student’s quarterlies for January) on the new ALL-BIBLE GRADED SERIES lessons for ADULTS.

Learn how you can share in the rescue and Christian training of other destitute Chinese children in this faith mission, founded thirty-three years ago. FREE LITERATURE O N REQUEST — * HOME OF 0NESIPH0RUS G. A. Lundmark, President 3939 N. Hamlin Ave., Chicago 18, III., Dept. II

Name_ Address-



Church Position. S C R I P T U R E


W — — Dept. KBA-129 - 434 S. Wabash - Chicago 5, Illinois

D E C E M B E R , 1949

Page Thirty-five

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