PROCLAIMING ISRAEL’S SAVIOUR AND MESSIAH “ To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty fo r ashes, the oil o f joy fo r mourning, the garment o f praise for the spirit o f heaviness; that they might be called trees o f right- eousness, the planting o f the Lord, that he might be glorified” fw f it- - - i-
(Isaiah 6 1 :3 ) .
Daniel Rose, Director
band also speaking up and giving his testimony that it was so. Prayers in the Jewish language were offered up to God on her
We were given the name of a Jewish man who was seri ously ill, awaiting a major operation at the hospital. Our missionary found this dear man with almost a deathly pallor upon his face, and began immediately to speak the precious words of the Gospel of Christ. He was not antagonistic, but instead gave ready assent to the claims of our blessed Lord.- He was asked if he had ever personally realized that the Lord Jesus Christ came all the way from Heaven^ glory in order to redeem him and all thetothef dear ones who accept Christ as Lord and Saviour. As we’ took his hand he prayed with us the prayer of failh, receiving our blessed Lord as personal Saviour. We noticed the glass container suspended on a metal pole by the side of his bed, containing blood, which trickled through a thin tube attached to his arm, preparing him, by this transfusion of blood to withstand the operation. How conscious we were of the shed Blood transfusion of our blessed Lord as an atonement for. our souls! The next day we learned that he went through the opera tion successfully, and upon our next visit we were glad to see a cheerful look upon his face, his dear Jewish wife at his bed side. When the wife learned that our worker was a mission ary, she seemed to assume an icy look of indifference. Our missionary spoke to her in the Jewish language and she warmed up somewhat, offering him a chair. As God’s love
behalf and she audibly received our blessed Lord in the Jewish language, having heard the Gos- ,pel for., the first time in spirit and in' truth in her own mother tongue. As she could read Rus sian a Gospel of John in that language was given her. The following is the ministry of the Jewish Department: street meeting work; Saturday after noon visitation work in homes; personal contacts in hospitals, business places, or wherever we are led to take the precious Gospel to the lost; tract work; distribution of Gospels, Testa ments and Bibles; Sunday aft ernoon Jewish meetings, and the radio broadcast over KFOX, Sundays at 2:00 P.M. Each week broadcasts are conducted over “ The Voice of the Andes,” HCJB, Quito, Ecuador, in the Jewish language, and thousands of Jewish refugees are reached. We are desirous of training young Jewish believers to go as missionaries to their own peo ple. Should God lead you to share with us in this training of young Jewish converts, please write to us for more informa tion.
was opened up to her and Christ re vealed in His sacri ficial death and res u rre ction for her, she said: “ This is a message indeed that we need, and if it is true I would like to know it.” She was assured from our own experience that it was true, the hus
Jewish Mass Meeting
Student Visitation Team
The Jewish Department is a faith work supported by free will offerings. Send for Jewish Evangelism literature. JEWISH DEPARTMENT BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES and CHURCH OF THE OPEN DOOR 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, Calif.
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