King's Business - 1925-07

July 1925



very prominent and influential man has been asked to serve in the latter capacity, and it is hoped that he will be able to make an early announcement of the choice of the com­ mittee for both these important positions. Executive Committee: Hilker, Blanchard, Johnston, Nor­ Committee of Seven on Organization: Shields (Chair­ man), Riley, Blanchard, Norris, Johnston, Jordan, Hawkins. Committee on Whole Bible S. S. Bessons: Norris and Pettingill, with power to appoint a third member. Special Committees appointed by the “Committee of Seven.” Directors: John E. Brown, Munhall, Blanchard, Riley, Adams, Shields, Hilker, Pettingill, Norris, Horton, Hawkins, MacLennan (S. P .), Fields, McCarrell, Rourke, Wurdack, Keyser, Page, Johnston, Dobyns, Jordan. Publicity Committee: L. M. Aldridge (Chairman), Horton, Trumbull, Tucker, Fowler, Davis. Place of Next Meeting The 1926 World’s Fundamental Convention will be held in Toronto, some time in August, the exact date to be announced later by Dr. Shields, who has the matter in charge. ris, Andrews, Riley, MacLennan (A. Gordon). Vice Presidents: Blanchard, Munhall, Hill.

thus providing an antidote for the poison of Modernism injected by such speakers as Harry Emerson Fosdick. The resolution urged that Mr. Bryan undertake as complete a visitation of the outstanding institutions of learning as his time and strength would permit, feeling sure that if the students are permitted to hear Fundamentalism presented in contrast with Modernism by this great truth-defender and marvelously capable Christian, the consequences will be most acceptable and desirable and assuredly for the glory of God. New Officers and Committees In the absence of the President of the Association, Mr. Sidney T. Smith, of Winnipeg, Canada, the sessions were presided over by the Executive Secretary, Dr. W. B. Riley, who discharged his weighty and important duties most acceptably. However, owing to Dr. Riley’s enforced retire­ ment from active work for six months last year because of serious illness, and in view of the many other important duties which claim his attention, he was compelled to request that he be relieved of the position of Executive Secretary. This was done, but his successor has not as yet been appointed,— the matter of his selection being left to a Special Committee, consisting of Dr. T. T. Shields, Mr. Albert Sidney Johnston, and Dr. Charles A. Blanchard, who were also asked to select and appoint the new President. A

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their Nature,

The Scriptures are Divine in their Enshrinement, Living in and Suggestive in their Silence By Dr. F. E. Marsh, London, England

We are sure that those of The King’s Business Family who have had the rare privilege of following this splendid series of articles by this weU known Bible Teacher since the first one appeared in January of this year, w ill be especially interested in this installment, furnishing, as it does, such a convincing argument that not only is the Bible the infallible and inerrant Word of God, but that it is “alive, active and age-abiding” and capable of imparting life to those who come to it in simple and child-like faith.

Word of God leads us to find the God of the Word, even as the cog-wheels on the train, and in the track on a Swiss railway, work the one in the other and enable the engineer to bring the train into the glorious scenery of the Alps. 2. Seed is Like in Kind to That From Which it Sprang “Being born again, not of corruptible seed; but of incor­ ruptible, by the Word of God which liveth and abideth for­ ever.” (1 Pet. 1 :23 ). The incorruptible God must produce that which corresponds to Himself, and since He is the ever- living One, His Word is the ever-living Word. Like mole­ cules of matter, no matter how much they change their form, their essence is indestructible. 3. Seed Contains within itself, Being Placed in Favorable Conditions, the Power of Reproduction “Whosoever is begotten of God doeth no sin, because his seed abideth in him, and he cannot sin because he is begot­ ten of God.” (1 John 3:9 R. V .). The spiritual life, like Him who begets it, is holy; hence, the believer, in the ego of his consciousness, is to live in the embryo of the organism of the Spirit’s impartation— “Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit,”— that is, as the embryo in the seed is the epitome of the tree, so all the character, of the child of God is to correspond to Him who has imparted His spir­ itual being. Goethe says, “Let the world progress as much as it likes: let all branches of human research develop to the very utmost, nothing will take the place of the Bible.” Nothing will take the place of the Book, because God cannot be dis­ placed from it. He is enshrined in it and breathes through

I. THE SCRIPTURES ARE DIVINE IN THEIR ENSHRINEMENT sasyuMfl S Christ was and is the Embodiment of the Living llv AlP God, so the Scriptures are the body of the Holy ' Spirit in which He dwells. To find Him we must v know them, and we need Him to know them. Christ said, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and life.” (John 6 :63 ). The general interpretation of these words is, that the words are spiritual and the means of communicating life, but more than this is intended, as Godet says: “If He said simply ‘My words are Spirit,’ one might understand these words with Augustine, ‘My words are to be spiritually understood,’ but the second predicate, ‘and life,’ does not allow this explanation. The meaning is, therefore, ‘My words are the incarnation and communication of the Spirit; it is the Spirit who dwells in them and acts through them; and for this reason they communicate life.” One of the names by which the Word is known is “Seed.” The dictionary definition of seed is, “An independent repro­ ductive body, which, on germination, gives rise to a plant like that from which it came.” The following are three facts about “seed.” 1. It Has Life in Itself Christ says of the seed which the sower sowed, “The seed is the Word of God” (Luke 8 :11 ). Why is it the Word of God? Because God is its Author and Resident. The God of the Word is found in the Word of God, and the

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