July 1925
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PALESTINE PACT The Palestine treaty between the United States and Great Britain, for the establishment.of a British man date in Palestine, was favorably re ported by the senate foreign relations committee. The treaty provided for the estab lishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine and recognized the Zionist organization as an official agency for the development of the country.——Asso ciated Press. THE OUTSIDER As secretary of the Wesleyan Home Mission Committee, the Rev. F. Luke Wiseman is concerned with the “out sider.” Last year, he said, they pledged the Church to try to reach the out sider. But such was the hesitation of the outsider that the special services conducted in their buildings had not been successful in reaching him. The only way to get him in was to go to him first. He advised open-air work. — English Newspaper. THE ENIGMA OP EARTHQUAKES ¡-“ There is no known logical explana tion of the recent eastern earth quake,” declared Prof. William Morris Davis, famous geologist and geogra pher who was for many years a mem-' her of the faculty of Harvard Uni versity and is now a professor emer itus of that institution. “It is absolutely impossible to pre dict earthquakes. Although several devices and plans have been advanced for earthquake prediction, none of them is practical. The best thing to do is to prepare for earthquakes when they do come and not try to predict them,’’lg-Evenmg Herald. SPINWHEELS IN THE SKY Columbus created a great stir in the world, for he discovered the “other side” of our little earth. As a tri umph of mind, however, Dr. Edwin Hubble’s discovery of a new universe- in-the-making is greater; it would not have been humanly possible four cen turies ago. Yet Dr- Hubble’s an nouncement causes no stir; for, since the 100-inch telescope was installed on Mt. Wilson, thousands of new uni verses have been discovered. To mention miles in connection with stellar distances is useless, espe cially with reference to distances beyond the rim of our Milky Way. After 1,000,000- miles all distances mean the same to us, just as after “ten” comes “many” in the calcula tions of pigmy peoples. It takes light, traveling at a speed of 186,000 miles a second, 1,000,000 years to come from Dr. Hubble’s great spinwheel to the earth. If you will count the leaves on a tree and multi ply the number by as many trees as could grow on all the continents you
will find that all the leaves, laid lengthwise end to end, would not reach the new universe, even if every leaf were a mile long,— Exchange. “AFTER LENINE—WHAT?” The Bettèr America Federation, through Weekly News letters, pamph lets and special bulletins for a number of years has given authentic informa tion concerning conditions in • this country and throughout :the world. Movements dangerous to opr Govern- ■ ment have been exposed without fear. The incredulous have doubted; dis senters have criticized; “liberals” have attacked; the opposition has im pugned motives behind à barrage of appeals — emotional, temperamental and humanitarian,—while the foes of this Government, alien and American, .have joined forces to combat the ideals and principles upon which this Nation was founded.— Better America Fed eration. RUSSIAN PEASANTS REVOLT Peasant uprisings'have broken out in the Kiev and Kharkov districts, according to Moscow papers which report that peasants have burned gov ernment buildings at several centers, murdering local Communist officials. Copies of all soviet newspapers arriving in Riga are filled with articles signed by M. Rykov, M. Meninov, M. Zinoviev and other import commiss ars, discussing the question of how the soviet government can win the support o f- the peasantry, which lately has shown sig n s. of active revolt against the authorities. From the tenor of the articles and also from reports of trav elers arriving here from Russia, Baltic diplomats are beginning to prophesy a complete collapse of the soviet gov ernment shortly,—L. A. Times. - GENUINE CHRISTIANITY THE WORLD NEED Out of forty thousand boys under 21 who were arraigned before a Phila delphia jurist, only three were mem bers of Sunday schools at the time they committed the offenses for which they were arrested. There is crime- preventive power in Christianity. Moreover, it has proved equal to the task of restoring many of the delin quents. So there is also crime-expül- sive power in the Gospel. Oh that Christian parents would apply their Christianity! The church must receive its share of blame along with the home and the court for present crime prevalence. Lowered standards and changed attitudes in ajl three have left their impress upon the moral fiber of the nation. Genuine Christianity is what the world needs now.—-Exchange. CRIME FLOURISHES EVEN IN FLORIDA .Moral conditions in Florida winter resorts, particularly in Miami and
Palm Beach, were roundly scored by Rev. T. Wightman of the First Pres byterian Church, Maywood, N. J. Mr Wightman said that nowhere in this country is there a parallel for condi tions existing in these .wintering places. • “The devil is in these places with all his hosts, and anyone seeking to go to the devil fast can find greased planks aplenty there. I wonder why a tidal wave doesn’t sweep these cities of gross immorality from the face of the earth. The local and State offic ials wink at law violations, even of the laws of decency, and the police are b l i n d to all infractions.” — Exchange. POKER AND PRISON It is said that the poker game at the Atlanta prison is so heavy that nobody, save a star mail robber or a bootlegger, can keep up with it. Even the warden was afraid to sit in when they were playing stud at $25 a card. One of the prisoners admitted having cleaned up $12,000, but said it nfade no difference, as he had no place to spend the money, anyhow. It would seem that this idea of using the pris ons for gambling joints is in keeping with an efficiency program. The influ ence of the players does not extend beyond their own class. There is no lure. If it becomes necessary id pinch the game the players can be locked up without hurting their feelings and reputations. Also, while the perform ers are dealing pasteboards, they are not trying to saw their way' out.- -—News Item! A RABBI’S RATTLE Dr. L. L. Mann, a Jewish. Rabbi Of Chicago, comments adversely on Mr! Bryan’s defence of the right of thè citizens of Tennessee to. Say what should be taught th e children in their own schools. Now the rabbi no doubt .claims the right to teach his flock thè Old Testament as he construes it, and the Roman Catholic church claims the right to teach the Bible to their chil dren in their parochial schools, as they construe it. Why should not the citizens of Tennessee have the right to deny the Bible-deniers the right to teach evolution to their children in their own tax-supported schools? How did this Jewish rabbi coinè to have the privileges he enjoys in this country? Who founded this country? Was it not founded on the Bible, and did not its founders pay the price of their devotion tq God’s Word hy the sacrifices which they made? Do not the Jews owe more to this country than to any other in the world? Wake up, rabbi, and be. logical in your think ing even if you are illogical in your religion.
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