July 1925
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Interesting Stories from Real Experience As tow by Bibie instate workers
e v a n g e l i s t i c U e p a r t m e n t
BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK M r*. L ym an Stew art, Supt.— Tw enty-five W om en Engaged in H ouse to H ouse Personal W ork, Bible C lasses an d Soul W inning Clubs. many ask the question, 3j “D o e s evangelistic work m among children bring last- § ing results?” We would answer by the following: In a series of meetings held for children, a large number definitely accepted Christ. As a follow up work to hold them' and to teach them how to live the Christian life, a “Junior Church” was formed. It surely strengthens one’s ,faith to hear them as they give requests for prayers for loved ones, friends, for their own needs, for cour age to live for Christ before others;' then to hear them as they give thanks for answered prayer. They are learn ing not only to pray and to expect God to answer, but are going out after their school friends and bringing them to Junior Church that they may accept Christ too. As a result of two little girls accepting Christ, the whole fam ily has been led to Him. Family altars have been started, the children them selves reading the Bible and praying with the younger children when their parents are away. Many older mem bers of families have found Christ or have come back to Him because of the lives of these boys and girls. If you have become discouraged, your faith dimmed because people’s hearts seem so hard; try gathering in the- children, tell them of Christ and' His iove for them, make the way of salvation plain, and you will have your own faith strengthened, and will expe rience a new joy in your heart as you see their readiness to receive Christ into their young lives. Transformed Hives in a Laundry The Holy Spirit has been working in the hearts of the girls of the Laundry Bible Class, convicting them of sin and leading them to surrender their lives to the blessed Lord Jesus Christ. From total ignorance of God’s Word they have come to accept and put into daily practice the words of life and guid ance. One day their teacher was led of the Lord to say: “Girls, somehow you don’t seem to feel the need in your lives of a personal Saviour, but it would be good to know the Lord Jesus Christ when you come to die.” These words touched the heart of a dear mother, and taking her two children, a girl of twelve and younger boy, she' and her children confessed Christ and were baptized. A few weeks later the little girl, apparently so well, was stricken and in three days died.
There came a deeper spiritual awakening among the other girls. One girl so fully surrendered herself that she received the infilling of the Holy Spirit and is a strong witness for her Lord before the other girls of the laundry. One young married woman and her husband had been in California since July and he had been unable to secure work. She prayed, believing, that her husband might find work and the next day two positions were offered him. One mother prayed for the healing of her little daughter, who was ser iously ill, and as she was at her work in the laundry her burden rolled away and she was singing. She knew the Lord, had healed her daughter and it was so. It’s just like Jesus, for He said in His Word: “Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” ■ The Euodia Clubs “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name.” (Psa. 103 :1 ). This is the tes timony of the Euodia workers, a work among the High School girls. The past six months has presented many diffi culties and obstacles, but we are prais ing God for victory in permitting us to reach so many of the girls! In many of the schools the girls get out at dif ferent periods, making it necessary to hold two and in some instances three sessions to reach them. During the month of February 2504 girls came under the influence of the Gospel through the Euodia Clubs. There were 19 professed conversions. Christian girls are becoming rooted and ground ed in the Word, and prepared to stand against the tide of modernism which they will be compelled to face in their college course. At the fourth annual Euodia conference, held at the Pacific Palisades, April 6-9, nlany of the girls gave themselves definitely to the Lord and others decided to come to the Bible Institute for training and still others heard the call to the foreign field. Often we hear a girl say, “I look forward each week to our Euodia meeting with great joy, for I always receive new strength to help me through the week.” Have a share in the souls saved by putting us on your prayer list. Nuntius ( “Messenger” ) Club A new club has been added to our Nuntius Boys’ Clubs, an enthusiastic bunch of High School boys, who gather once a week after school for Bible study. The earnestness of these boys for reaching other boys is re freshing. Recently a little Jewish boy was brought to the Club, the bait being that he should play on the tennis team in a tournament between this club and our. Highland Park Club. The
boy is there with glowing face every week, and the- verses he recites in response to roll call are all “atone ment” verses. We are hoping that he is already a secret believer, and are expecting a full confession from him soon. Our first confessed conversion came to us last week when one of the boys very quietly opened his Testa ment, first to the pledge in the front, then turned to the decision for Christ in the back, and showed us his name signed there. One of the junior clubs has been falling off in attendance of late, and the teacher told the boys the attend ance must be brought up if she was to continue. Thereafter every week the boys prayed “Lord, please help us to get more boys su that we can keep our club.” The attendance is not up to the standard yet, but the teacher has found it impossible to close up a work for which the boys are praying. The father of one of the boys who comes nearly two miles to attend the meet ings, recently reported that the life of this boy has been absolutely trans formed since he began attending the club meetings, while another boy who has an equal distance to come, reports that his mother is reading his Testa ment with him. We praise God for this work among the boys. An Invitation Accepted It was an unusually hot afternoon. The class members did not look as though they were taking à deep inter est, until one of- them said, in reply to the teacher who had asked if anyone had a question: “Will you please explain what it is to be born again?” Everyone sat up and in a few moments all ■were attentively listening to the answer. At the close, to the dismay of the teacher, the questioner had slipped out without anyone speaking to her. But the Lord was looking after her so that it was not strange when qfter nearly an hour had gone by teacher and questioner met on a street car and together the subject was discussed and decision for Christ pressed. The woman promised to think ser iously and accepted one of Mr. Hor ton’s tracts, “The King of Kings Invites You,” which she was asked to sign, if she accepted, and bring to class the following week. Eagerly the teacher looked forward to the signed tract, and was dreadfully disappointed to hear the woman say she had not brought it. But disappointment was turned to joy when she knew the reason. That tract was put into a boy’s Bible and the woman said, “I want you to pray with me that my son will sign. If you will give me another I would like to sign it before the whole class, for I have found the Saviour and am born again.”
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